An instance of a Mesh. A single mesh can be referenced by many mesh instances that can have different transforms and materials.


  • Create a new MeshInstance instance.


    • mesh: Mesh

      The graphics mesh to instance.

    • material: Material

      The material to use for this mesh instance.

    • Optionalnode: GraphNode = null

      The graph node defining the transform for this instance. This parameter is optional when used with RenderComponent and will use the node the component is attached to.

    Returns MeshInstance

    // Create a mesh instance pointing to a 1x1x1 'cube' mesh
    const mesh = pc.Mesh.fromGeometry(app.graphicsDevice, new pc.BoxGeometry());
    const material = new pc.StandardMaterial();

    const meshInstance = new pc.MeshInstance(mesh, material);

    const entity = new pc.Entity();
    entity.addComponent('render', {
    meshInstances: [meshInstance]

    // Add the entity to the scene hierarchy;


castShadow: boolean = false

Enable shadow casting for this mesh instance. Use this property to enable/disable shadow casting without overhead of removing from scene. Note that this property does not add the mesh instance to appropriate list of shadow casters on a Layer, but allows mesh to be skipped from shadow casting while it is in the list already. Defaults to false.

cull: boolean = true

Controls whether the mesh instance can be culled by frustum culling (see CameraComponent#frustumCulling). Defaults to true.

drawOrder: number = 0

Determines the rendering order of mesh instances. Only used when mesh instances are added to a Layer with Layer#opaqueSortMode or Layer#transparentSortMode (depending on the material) set to SORTMODE_MANUAL.

node: GraphNode

The graph node defining the transform for this instance.

visible: boolean = true

Enable rendering for this mesh instance. Use visible property to enable/disable rendering without overhead of removing from scene. But note that the mesh instance is still in the hierarchy and still in the draw call list.

visibleThisFrame: boolean = false

Read this value in Scene#EVENT_POSTCULL event to determine if the object is actually going to be rendered.



  • Sets up MeshInstance to be rendered using Hardware Instancing.


    • vertexBuffer: any

      Vertex buffer to hold per-instance vertex data (usually world matrices). Pass null to turn off hardware instancing.

    • cull: boolean = false

      Whether to perform frustum culling on this instance. If true, the whole instance will be culled by the camera frustum. This often involves setting RenderComponent#customAabb containing all instances. Defaults to false, which means the whole instance is always rendered.

    Returns void

  • Sets a shader parameter on a mesh instance. Note that this parameter will take precedence over parameter of the same name if set on Material this mesh instance uses for rendering.


    • name: string

      The name of the parameter to set.

    • data: any

      The value for the specified parameter.

    • OptionalpassFlags: number = 0xFFFFFFFF

      Mask describing which passes the material should be included in. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF (all passes).

    Returns void