Create a new Color object.
r: number | number[] = 0The value of the red component (0-1). Defaults to 0. If r is an array of length 3 or 4, the array will be used to populate all components.
g: number = 0The value of the green component (0-1). Defaults to 0.
b: number = 0The value of the blue component (0-1). Defaults to 0.
a: number = 1The value of the alpha component (0-1). Defaults to 1.
The alpha component of the color.
The blue component of the color.
The green component of the color.
The red component of the color.
BLACKA constant color set to black [0, 0, 0, 1].
BLUEA constant color set to blue [0, 0, 1, 1].
CYANA constant color set to cyan [0, 1, 1, 1].
GRAYA constant color set to gray [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1].
GREENA constant color set to green [0, 1, 0, 1].
MAGENTAA constant color set to magenta [1, 0, 1, 1].
REDA constant color set to red [1, 0, 0, 1].
WHITEA constant color set to white [1, 1, 1, 1].
YELLOWA constant color set to yellow [1, 1, 0, 1].
Reports whether two colors are equal.
The color to compare to the specified color.
True if the colors are equal and false otherwise.
Set the values of the vector from an array.
The array to set the vector values from.
offset: number = 0The zero-based index at which to start copying elements from the array. Default is 0.
Self for chaining.
Set the values of the color from a string representation '#11223344' or '#112233'.
A string representation in the format '#RRGGBBAA' or '#RRGGBB'. Where RR, GG, BB, AA are red, green, blue and alpha values. This is the same format used in HTML/CSS.
Self for chaining.
Returns the result of a linear interpolation between two specified colors.
The color to interpolate from.
The color to interpolate to.
The value controlling the point of interpolation. Between 0 and 1, the linear interpolant will occur on a straight line between lhs and rhs. Outside of this range, the linear interpolant will occur on a ray extrapolated from this line.
Self for chaining.
Multiplies RGB elements of a Color by a number. Note that the alpha value is left unchanged.
The number to multiply by.
Self for chaining.
Assign values to the color components, including alpha.
The value for red (0-1).
The value for blue (0-1).
The value for green (0-1).
a: number = 1The value for the alpha (0-1), defaults to 1.
Self for chaining.
Converts the color to an array of numbers.
arr: number[] = []The array to populate with the color components. If not specified, a new array is created. Default is true.
offset: number = 0The zero-based index at which to start copying elements to the array. Default is 0.
alpha: boolean = trueIf true, the output array will include the alpha value.
The color as an array of numbers.
Converts the color to string form. The format is '#RRGGBBAA', where RR, GG, BB, AA are the red, green, blue and alpha values. When the alpha value is not included (the default), this is the same format as used in HTML/CSS.
If true, the output string will include the alpha value.
asArray: booleanIf true, the output will be an array of numbers. Defaults to false.
The color in string form.
An RGBA color.
Each color component is a floating point value in the range 0 to 1. The
(green) andb
(blue) components define a color in RGB color space. Thea
(alpha) component defines transparency. An alpha of 1 is fully opaque. An alpha of 0 is fully transparent.