AnimNodes are used to represent a single animation track in the current state. Each state can contain multiple AnimNodes, in which case they are stored in a BlendTree hierarchy, which will control the weight (contribution to the states final animation) of its child AnimNodes.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Create a new AnimNode instance.


    • state: AnimState

      The AnimState that this BlendTree belongs to.

    • parent: any

      The parent of the AnimNode. If not null, the AnimNode is stored as part of an AnimBlendTree hierarchy.

    • name: string

      The name of the AnimNode. Used when assigning an AnimTrack to it.

    • point: number | number[]

      The coordinate/vector thats used to determine the weight of this node when it's part of an AnimBlendTree.

    • Optionalspeed: number = 1

      The speed that its AnimTrack should play at. Defaults to 1.

    Returns AnimNode