A vector input. The vector can have 2 to 4 dimensions with each dimension being a NumericInput.

Hierarchy (View Summary)




  • get hiddenToRoot(): boolean

    Gets whether the Element is hidden all the way up to the root. If the Element itself or any of its parents are hidden then this is true.

    Returns boolean


  • Links the specified observers and paths to the Element's data binding.


    • observers: Observer | Observer[]

      An array of observers or a single observer.

    • paths: string | string[]

      A path for the observer(s) or an array of paths that maps to each separate observer.

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters


    • type: string

      The type we want to reference this Element by.

    • cls: Object

      The actual class of the Element.

    • OptionaldefaultArguments: any

      Default arguments when creating this type.

    Returns void


EVENT_CLICK: "click" = 'click'

Fired when the mouse is clicked on the Element but only if the Element is enabled. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('click', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element clicked');
EVENT_DESTROY: "destroy" = 'destroy'

Fired after the element has been destroyed. Both the DOM element and the owner Element instance are passed as parameters to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('destroy', (dom: HTMLElement, element: Element) => {
console.log('Element destroyed');
EVENT_DISABLE: "disable" = 'disable'

Fired when the Element gets disabled.

const element = new Element();
element.on('disable', () => {
console.log('Element disabled');
EVENT_ENABLE: "enable" = 'enable'

Fired when the Element gets enabled.

const element = new Element();
element.on('enable', () => {
console.log('Element enabled');
EVENT_HIDE: "hide" = 'hide'

Fired when the Element gets hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hide', () => {
console.log('Element hidden');
EVENT_HIDE_TO_ROOT: "hideToRoot" = 'hideToRoot'

Fired when the Element or any of its parent get hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hideToRoot', () => {
console.log('Element or one of its parents hidden');
EVENT_HOVER: "hover" = 'hover'

Fired when the mouse starts hovering on the Element. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hover', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element hovered');
EVENT_HOVER_END: "hoverend" = 'hoverend'

Fired when the mouse stops hovering on the Element. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hoverend', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element hover ended');
EVENT_PARENT: "parent" = 'parent'

Fired when the Element's parent gets set.

const element = new Element();
element.on('parent', (parent: Element) => {
console.log(`Element's parent is now ${parent}`);
EVENT_READ_ONLY: "readOnly" = 'readOnly'

Fired when the readOnly property of an Element changes.

const element = new Element();
element.on('readOnly', (readOnly: boolean) => {
console.log(`Element is now ${readOnly ? 'read only' : 'editable'}`);
EVENT_SHOW: "show" = 'show'

Fired when the Element stops being hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('show', () => {
console.log('Element shown');
EVENT_SHOW_TO_ROOT: "showToRoot" = 'showToRoot'

Fired when the Element and all of its parents become visible.

const element = new Element();
element.on('showToRoot', () => {
console.log('Element and all of its parents shown');