The Entity that this Component is attached to.
The ComponentSystem used to create this Component.
Gets the camera aperture in f-stops.
Sets the camera aperture in f-stops. Default is 16. Higher value means less exposure.
Gets the aspect ratio (width divided by height) of the camera.
Sets the aspect ratio (width divided by height) of the camera. If aspectRatioMode
ASPECT_AUTO, then this value will be automatically calculated every frame, and you
can only read it. If it's ASPECT_MANUAL, you can set the value.
Gets the aspect ratio mode of the camera.
Sets the aspect ratio mode of the camera. Can be:
Defaults to ASPECT_AUTO.
Gets the custom function to calculate the camera projection matrix manually.
Sets the custom function to calculate the camera projection matrix manually. Can be used for complex effects like doing oblique projection. Function is called using component's scope.
Left and right are only used in stereo rendering.
Gets the custom function to calculate the camera transformation matrix manually.
Sets the custom function to calculate the camera transformation matrix manually. Can be used for complex effects like reflections. Function is called using component's scope. Arguments:
Left and right are only used in stereo rendering.
Gets the camera component's clear color.
Sets the camera component's clear color. Defaults to [0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1]
Gets whether the camera will automatically clear the color buffer before rendering.
Sets whether the camera will automatically clear the color buffer before rendering. Defaults to true.
Gets whether the camera will automatically clear the depth buffer before rendering.
Sets whether the camera will automatically clear the depth buffer before rendering. Defaults to true.
Gets whether the camera will automatically clear the stencil buffer before rendering.
Sets whether the camera will automatically clear the stencil buffer before rendering. Defaults to true.
Gets whether the camera will cull triangle faces.
Sets whether the camera will cull triangle faces. If true, the camera will take
into account. Otherwise both front and back faces will be rendered. Defaults
to true.
Gets the layer id of the layer on which the post-processing of the camera stops being applied to.
Sets the layer id of the layer on which the post-processing of the camera stops being applied
to. Defaults to LAYERID_UI, which causes post-processing to not be applied to UI
layer and any following layers for the camera. Set to undefined
for post-processing to be
applied to all layers of the camera.
Gets the enabled state of the component.
Sets the enabled state of the component.
Gets the distance from the camera after which no rendering will take place.
Sets the distance from the camera after which no rendering will take place. Defaults to 1000.
Gets whether the camera will flip the face direction of triangles.
Sets whether the camera will flip the face direction of triangles. If set to true, the camera will invert front and back faces. Can be useful for reflection rendering. Defaults to false.
Gets the field of view of the camera in degrees.
Sets the field of view of the camera in degrees. Usually this is the Y-axis field of view, see CameraComponent#horizontalFov. Used for PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE cameras only. Defaults to 45.
Gets the camera's frustum shape.
Gets whether frustum culling is enabled.
Sets whether frustum culling is enabled. This controls the culling of mesh instances against the camera frustum, i.e. if objects outside of the camera's frustum should be omitted from rendering. If false, all mesh instances in the scene are rendered by the camera, regardless of visibility. Defaults to false.
Gets the gamma correction used when rendering the scene.
Sets the gamma correction to apply when rendering the scene. Can be:
Defaults to GAMMA_SRGB.
Gets whether the camera's field of view (fov
) is horizontal or vertical.
Sets whether the camera's field of view (fov
) is horizontal or vertical. Defaults to
false (meaning it is vertical by default).
Gets the jitter intensity applied in the projection matrix.
Sets the jitter intensity applied in the projection matrix. Used for jittered sampling by TAA.
A value of 1 represents a jitter in the range of [-1, 1]
of a pixel. Smaller values result
in a crisper yet more aliased outcome, whereas increased values produce a smoother but blurred
result. Defaults to 0, representing no jitter.
Gets the array of layer IDs (Layer#id) to which this camera belongs.
Sets the array of layer IDs (Layer#id) to which this camera should belong. Don't
push, pop, splice or modify this array, if you want to change it, set a new one instead.
Gets the distance from the camera before which no rendering will take place.
Sets the distance from the camera before which no rendering will take place. Defaults to 0.1.
Gets the half-height of the orthographic view window (in the Y-axis).
Sets the half-height of the orthographic view window (in the Y-axis). Used for PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC cameras only. Defaults to 10.
Gets the post effects queue for this camera. Use this to add or remove post effects from the camera.
Gets the priority to control the render order of this camera.
Sets the priority to control the render order of this camera. Cameras with a smaller priority value are rendered first. Defaults to 0.
Gets the type of projection used to render the camera.
Sets the type of projection used to render the camera. Can be:
Gets the camera's projection matrix.
Gets the rendering rectangle for the camera.
Sets the rendering rectangle for the camera. This controls where on the screen the camera
will render in normalized screen coordinates. Defaults to [0, 0, 1, 1]
Gets the render target to which rendering of the camera is performed.
Sets the render target to which rendering of the camera is performed. If not set, it will render simply to the screen.
Gets the scissor rectangle for the camera.
Sets the scissor rectangle for the camera. This clips all pixels which are not in the
rectangle. The order of the values is [x, y, width, height]
. Defaults to [0, 0, 1, 1]
Gets the camera sensitivity in ISO.
Sets the camera sensitivity in ISO. Defaults to 1000. Higher value means more exposure.
Gets the camera shutter speed in seconds.
Sets the camera shutter speed in seconds. Defaults to 1/1000s. Longer shutter means more exposure.
Gets the tonemapping transform applied to the rendered color buffer.
Sets the tonemapping transform to apply to the rendered color buffer. Can be:
Gets the camera's view matrix.
Calculates aspect ratio value for a given render target.
rt: anyOptional render target. If unspecified, the backbuffer is used.
The aspect ratio of the render target (or backbuffer).
Attempt to end XR session of this camera.
callback: XrErrorCallbackOptional callback function called once session is ended. The callback has one argument Error - it is null if successfully ended XR session.
Fire an event, all additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.
Name of event to fire.
arg1: anyFirst argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg2: anySecond argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg3: anyThird argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg4: anyFourth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg5: anyFifth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg6: anySixth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg7: anySeventh argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg8: anyEighth argument that is passed to the event handler.
Self for chaining.
Shader pass name.
The name of the shader pass, or undefined if no shader pass is set.
Test if there are any handlers bound to an event name.
The name of the event to test.
True if the object has handlers bound to the specified event name.
Detach an event handler from an event. If callback is not provided then all callbacks are unbound from the event, if scope is not provided then all events with the callback will be unbound.
name: stringName of the event to unbind.
callback: HandleEventCallbackFunction to be unbound.
scope: anyScope that was used as the this when the event is fired.
Self for chaining.
const handler = () => {};
obj.on('test', handler);; // Removes all events'test'); // Removes all events called 'test''test', handler); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test''test', handler, this); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test' with scope this
Attach an event handler to an event.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Can be used for removing event in the future.
Attach an event handler to an event. This handler will be removed after being fired once.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Request the scene to generate a texture containing the scene color map. Note that this call is accumulative, and for each enable request, a disable request need to be called. Note that this setting is ignored when the CameraComponent#renderPasses is used.
True to request the generation, false to disable it.
Request the scene to generate a texture containing the scene depth map. Note that this call is accumulative, and for each enable request, a disable request need to be called. Note that this setting is ignored when the CameraComponent#renderPasses is used.
True to request the generation, false to disable it.
Convert a point from 2D screen space to 3D world space.
X coordinate on PlayCanvas' canvas element. Should be in the range
0 to canvas.offsetWidth
of the application's canvas element.
Y coordinate on PlayCanvas' canvas element. Should be in the range
0 to canvas.offsetHeight
of the application's canvas element.
The distance from the camera in world space to create the new point.
worldCoord: Vec33D vector to receive world coordinate result.
The world space coordinate.
// Get the start and end points of a 3D ray fired from a screen click position
const start =, clickY,;
const end =, clickY,;
// Use the ray coordinates to perform a raycast, end, function (result) {
console.log("Entity " + + " was selected");
Sets the name of the shader pass the camera will use when rendering.
In addition to existing names (see the parameter description), a new name can be specified, which creates a new shader pass with the given name. The name provided can only use alphanumeric characters and underscores. When a shader is compiled for the new pass, a define is added to the shader. For example, if the name is 'custom_rendering', the define 'CUSTOM_RENDERING_PASS' is added to the shader, allowing the shader code to conditionally execute code only when that shader pass is active.
Another instance where this approach may prove useful is when a camera needs to render a more cost-effective version of shaders, such as when creating a reflection texture. To accomplish this, a callback on the material that triggers during shader compilation can be used. This callback can modify the shader generation options specifically for this shader pass.
const shaderPassId = camera.setShaderPass('custom_rendering');
material.onUpdateShader = function (options) {
if (options.pass === shaderPassId) {
options.litOptions.normalMapEnabled = false;
options.litOptions.useSpecular = false;
return options;
The name of the shader pass. Defaults to undefined, which is equivalent to SHADERPASS_FORWARD. Can be:
The id of the shader pass.
Attempt to start XR session with this camera.
The type of session. Can be one of the following:
Reference space type. Can be one of the following:
options: {Object with options for XR session initialization.
anchors?: booleanOptional boolean to attempt to enable XrAnchors.
callback?: XrErrorCallbackOptional callback function called once the session is started. The callback has one argument Error - it is null if the XR session started successfully.
depthSensing?: { dataFormatPreference?: string; usagePreference?: string }Optional object with parameters to attempt to enable depth sensing.
dataFormatPreference?: stringOptional data format preference for depth sensing. Can be 'luminance-alpha' or 'float32' (XRDEPTHSENSINGFORMAT_*), defaults to 'luminance-alpha'. Most preferred and supported will be chosen by the underlying depth sensing system.
usagePreference?: stringOptional usage preference for depth sensing, can be 'cpu-optimized' or 'gpu-optimized' (XRDEPTHSENSINGUSAGE_*), defaults to 'cpu-optimized'. Most preferred and supported will be chosen by the underlying depth sensing system.
imageTracking?: booleanSet to true to attempt to enable XrImageTracking.
optionalFeatures?: string[]Optional features for XRSession start. It is used for getting access to additional WebXR spec extensions.
planeDetection?: booleanSet to true to attempt to enable XrPlaneDetection.
Convert a point from 3D world space to 2D screen space.
The world space coordinate.
screenCoord: Vec33D vector to receive screen coordinate result.
The screen space coordinate.
The Camera Component enables an Entity to render the scene. A scene requires at least one enabled camera component to be rendered. Note that multiple camera components can be enabled simultaneously (for split-screen or offscreen rendering, for example).