Fog parameters.


color: Color = ...

The color of the fog (if enabled), specified in sRGB color space. Defaults to black (0, 0, 0).

density: number = 0

The density of the fog (if enabled). This property is only valid if the fog property is set to FOG_EXP or FOG_EXP2. Defaults to 0.

end: number = 1000

The distance from the viewpoint where linear fog reaches its maximum. This property is only valid if the fog property is set to FOG_LINEAR. Defaults to 1000.

start: number = 1

The distance from the viewpoint where linear fog begins. This property is only valid if the fog property is set to FOG_LINEAR. Defaults to 1.

type: string = FOG_NONE

The type of fog used by the scene. Can be:

Defaults to FOG_NONE.