Represents an Entity.

What follows is a reference for all possible asset paths that can be passed to functions such as Entity#get and Entity#set.

Common Entity Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
children Array<string> An array that contains the resource_id's of the entity's children. []
enabled boolean Whether the entity is enabled. true
name string The name of the entity.
parent string The resource_id of the parent entity.
position Array<number> The position of the entity in local space (x, y, z). [0,0,0]
resource_id string The unique GUID of the entity.
rotation Array<number> The rotation of the entity in local space (rx, ry, rz euler angles in degrees). [0,0,0]
scale Array<number> The scale of the entity in local space (sx, sy, sz). [1,1,1]
tags Array<string> The tags of the entity. []
template_ent_ids object A dictionary of <resource_id, resource_id> pairs that maps the entity (and its children) to the respective Entities in the template asset.
template_id number The id of the Template asset that this entity is linked to.
components object A dictionary that contains the components of the entity and their data.

Anim Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.anim object The data for the anim component.
components.anim.activate boolean If true, the component will start playing the anim state graph on load. true
components.anim.animationAssets object A dictionary that holds the animation assets used by this component. Each key is a string representing a path to a state. {}
components.anim.animationAssets.*.asset number The id of the animation asset. null
components.anim.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.anim.masks object The layer masks associated with this component. {}
components.anim.masks.*.mask object A set of paths to bones in the current model that should be animated by the layer. {}
components.anim.masks.*.mask.*.children boolean Whether the children of this bone should also be included in the mask.
components.anim.masks.*.mask.*.value boolean Whether this bone should also be included in the mask.
components.anim.rootBone string The resource_id of the entity that this anim component should use as the root of the animation hierarchy. null
components.anim.speed number A multiplier for animation playback speed. 0 will freeze animation playback, and 1 represents the normal playback speed. 1

Animation Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.animation object The data for the (legacy) animation component.
components.animation.activate boolean If true, the component will start playing the animation on load. true
components.animation.assets Array<number> An array of Animation asset id's. []
components.animation.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.animation.loop boolean If true, the animation will continue to loop back to the start on completion. Otherwise, it will stop on its final frame. true
components.animation.speed number A multiplier for animation playback speed. 0 will freeze animation playback, and 1 is the normal playback speed. 1

AudioListener Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.audiolistener object The data for the audiolistener component.
components.audiolistener.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true

Button Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.button object The data for the button component. boolean If false, the button will be visible but will not respond to hover or touch interactions. true
components.button.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.button.fadeDuration number Duration to be used when fading between tints, in milliseconds. 0
components.button.hitPadding Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the padding to be used in hit-test calculations. [0,0,0,0]
components.button.hoverSpriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset to be used as the button image when the user hovers over it. null
components.button.hoverSpriteFrame number Frame to be used from the hover sprite. 0
components.button.hoverTint Array<number> Array of 4 numbers controlling the color to be used on the button image when the user hovers over it. [1,1,1,1]
components.button.imageEntity string The resource_id of the entity to be used as the button background. Must have an element component of type image. null
components.button.inactiveSpriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset to be used as the button image when the button is not interactive. null
components.button.inactiveSpriteFrame number Frame to be used from the inactive sprite. 0
components.button.inactiveTint Array<number> Array of 4 numbers controlling the color to be used on the button image when the button is not interactive. [1,1,1,1]
components.button.pressedSpriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset to be used as the button image when the user presses it. null
components.button.pressedSpriteFrame number Frame to be used from the pressed sprite. 0
components.button.pressedTint Array<number> Array of 4 numbers controlling the color to be used on the button image when the user presses it. [1,1,1,1]
components.button.transitionMode number Controls how the button responds when the user hovers over it/presses it. 0

Camera Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value object The data for the camera component. Array<number> The color used to clear the camera's render target. [0.118,0.118,0.118,1] boolean If true, the camera will explicitly clear its render target to the chosen clear color before rendering the scene. true boolean If true, the camera will explicitly clear the depth buffer of its render target before rendering the scene. true boolean Whether the component is enabled. true number The distance in camera space from the camera's eye point to the far plane. 1000 number The angle (in degrees) between top and bottom clip planes of a perspective camera. 45 boolean Controls the culling of mesh instances against the camera frustum. If true, culling is enabled. If false, all mesh instances are rendered. true Array<number> An array of layer id's that this camera will render. [0,1,2,3,4] number The distance in camera space from the camera's eye point to the near plane. 0.1 number The distance in world units between the top and bottom clip planes of an orthographic camera. 4 number A number that defines the order in which camera views are rendered by the engine. Smaller numbers are rendered first. 0 number The projection type of the camera. Can be pc.PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE or pc.PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC. 0 Array<number> An array that represents the viewport onto the camera's attached render target defined by normalized coordinates. [0,0,1,1]

Collision Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.collision object The data for the collision component.
components.collision.asset number The id of the model asset that will be used as a source for the triangle-based collision mesh. null
components.collision.axis number Aligns the capsule/cylinder with the local-space X, Y or Z axis of the entity. 1
components.collision.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.collision.halfExtents Array<number> The half-extents of the collision box: local space half-width, half-height, and half-depth. [0.5,0.5,0.5]
components.collision.height number The tip-to-tip height of the capsule/cylinder. 2
components.collision.radius number The radius of the capsule/cylinder body. 0.5
components.collision.renderAsset number The id of the render asset that will be used as a source for the triangle-based collision mesh. null
components.collision.type string The type of collision primitive. Can be: box, sphere, capsule, cylinder, mesh. "box"

Element Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.element object The data for the element component.
components.element.alignment Array<number> An array of 2 numbers controlling the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text relative to its element transform. [0.5,0.5]
components.element.anchor Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the left, bottom, right and top anchors of the element. [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]
components.element.autoFitHeight boolean If true then the font size of the element will scale automatically so that it fits the element's height. false
components.element.autoFitWidth boolean If true then the font size and the line height of the element will scale automatically so that it fits the element's width. false
components.element.autoHeight boolean Make the height of the element match the height of the text content automatically. false
components.element.autoWidth boolean Make the width of the element match the width of the text content automatically. false
components.element.batchGroupId number The batch group id that this element belongs to. null
components.element.color Array<number> An array of 3 numbers controlling the color of the element. [1,1,1]
components.element.enableMarkup boolean Flag for enabling markup processing. Only works for text types. false
components.element.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.element.fontAsset number The id of the font asset used by the element. null
components.element.fontSize number The size of the font used by the element. 32
components.element.height number The height of the element. 32
components.element.key string The localization key of the element. null
components.element.layers Array<number> An array of layer id's that this element belongs to. [4]
components.element.lineHeight number The height of each line of text. 32
components.element.margin Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the spacing between each edge of the element and the respective anchor. [-16,-16,-16,-16]
components.element.mask boolean Switch image element into a mask. false
components.element.materialAsset number The id of the material asset used by this element. null
components.element.maxFontSize number The maximum size of the font that the element can scale to when using autoFitWidth or autoFitHeight. 32
components.element.maxLines number The maximum number of lines that this element can display. null
components.element.minFontSize number The minimum size of the font that the element can scale to when using autoFitWidth or autoFitHeight. 8
components.element.opacity number The opacity of the element. 1
components.element.outlineColor Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the text outline effect color and opacity. [0,0,0,1]
components.element.outlineThickness number The text outline effect width. Ranges from 0 to 1. To disable outline effect set to 0. 0
components.element.pivot Array<number> An array of 2 numbers controlling the origin of the element. [0.5,0.5]
components.element.pixelsPerUnit number The number of pixels that correspond to one PlayCanvas unit. null
components.element.rect Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the u, v, width and height of the rectangle that represents the portion of the texture that this image maps to. [0,0,1,1]
components.element.shadowColor Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the text shadow cast effect color and opacity. [0,0,0,1]
components.element.shadowOffset Array<number> An array of 2 numbers controlling the horizontal and vertical shift of the text shadow cast effect. [0,0]
components.element.spacing number The spacing between each letter of the text. 1
components.element.spriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset to be used by the element. null
components.element.spriteFrame number The frame from the sprite asset to render. 0
components.element.text string The text content of the element. ""
components.element.textureAsset number The id of the texture asset to be used by the element. null
components.element.type string The type of the element. Can be: pc.ELEMENTTYPE_GROUP, pc.ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGE, pc.ELEMENTTYPE_TEXT. "text"
components.element.useInput boolean Enable this if you want the element to receive input events. false
components.element.width number The width of the element. 32
components.element.wrapLines boolean Whether to automatically wrap lines based on the element width. true

LayoutChild Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.layoutchild object The data for the layoutchild component.
components.layoutchild.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.layoutchild.excludeFromLayout boolean When enabled, the child will be excluded from all layout calculations. false
components.layoutchild.fitHeightProportion number The amount of additional vertical space that the element should take up, if necessary to satisfy a Stretch/Shrink fitting calculation. 0
components.layoutchild.fitWidthProportion number The amount of additional horizontal space that the element should take up, if necessary to satisfy a Stretch/Shrink fitting calculation. 0
components.layoutchild.maxHeight number The maximum height the element should be rendered at. null
components.layoutchild.maxWidth number The maximum width the element should be rendered at. null
components.layoutchild.minHeight number The minimum height the element should be rendered at. 0
components.layoutchild.minWidth number The minimum width the element should be rendered at. 0

LayoutGroup Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.layoutgroup object The data for the layoutgroup component.
components.layoutgroup.alignment Array<number> An array of 2 numbers controlling the horizontal and vertical alignment of child elements. [0,1]
components.layoutgroup.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.layoutgroup.heightFitting number Fitting logic to be applied when positioning and scaling child elements. 0
components.layoutgroup.orientation number Whether the layout should run horizontally or vertically. 0
components.layoutgroup.padding Array<number> An array of 4 numbers controlling the padding to be applied inside the container before positioning any children. [0,0,0,0]
components.layoutgroup.reverseX boolean Reverses the order of elements on the X axis. false
components.layoutgroup.reverseY boolean Reverses the order of elements on the Y axis. true
components.layoutgroup.spacing Array<number> An array of 2 numbers controlling the spacing to be applied between each child element. [0,0]
components.layoutgroup.widthFitting number Fitting logic to be applied when positioning and scaling child elements. 0
components.layoutgroup.wrap boolean Whether or not to wrap children onto a new row/column when the size of the container is exceeded. false

Light Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.light object The data for the light component.
components.light.affectDynamic boolean If true the light will affect non-lightmapped objects. true
components.light.affectLightmapped boolean If true the light will affect lightmapped objects. false
components.light.bake boolean If true the light will be rendered into lightmaps. false
components.light.bakeDir boolean If true and bake is true, the light's direction will contribute to directional lightmaps. true
components.light.cascadeDistribution number The distribution of subdivision of the camera frustum for individual shadow cascades. 0.5
components.light.castShadows boolean If true, the light will cause shadow casting models to cast shadows. false
components.light.color Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the color of the emitted light. [1,1,1]
components.light.cookie number The id of a projection texture asset. Must be 2D for spot and cubemap for omni (ignored if incorrect type is used).
components.light.cookieAngle number Angle for spotlight cookie rotation. 0
components.light.cookieAsset number The id of a texture asset that represents that light cookie. null
components.light.cookieChannel string Color channels of the projection texture to use. Can be "r", "g", "b", "a", "rgb" or any swizzled combination. "rgb"
components.light.cookieFalloff boolean Toggle normal spotlight falloff when projection texture is used. When set to false, spotlight will work like a pure texture projector (only fading with distance). true
components.light.cookieIntensity number Projection texture intensity. 1
components.light.cookieOffset Array<number> Spotlight cookie position offset. [0,0]
components.light.cookieScale Array<number> Spotlight cookie scale. [1,1]
components.light.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.light.falloffMode number Controls the rate at which a light attenuates from its position. 0
components.light.innerConeAngle number The angle at which the spotlight cone starts to fade off. The angle is specified in degrees. Affects spot lights only. 40
components.light.intensity number The intensity of the light, this acts as a scalar value for the light's color. This value can exceed 1. 1
components.light.isStatic boolean Mark light as non-movable (optimization). false
components.light.layers Array<number> An array of layer id's that this light will affect. [0]
components.light.normalOffsetBias number Normal offset depth bias. 0.05
components.light.numCascades number Number of shadow cascades. 1
components.light.outerConeAngle number The angle at which the spotlight cone has faded to nothing. The angle is specified in degrees. Affects spot lights only. 45
components.light.range number The distance from the spotlight source at which its contribution falls to zero

Model Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.model object The data for the (legacy) model component.
components.model.aabbCenter Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the center of the AABB to be used.
components.model.aabbHalfExtents Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the half extents of the AABB to be used.
components.model.asset number The id of the model asset rendered by this model component. null
components.model.batchGroupId number The batch group id that this model belongs to. The engine will attempt to batch models in the same batch group. null
components.model.castShadows boolean If true, the model rendered by this component will cast shadows onto other models in the scene. true
components.model.castShadowsLightmap boolean If true, this model will cast shadows when rendering lightmaps. true
components.model.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.model.isStatic boolean Mark model as non-movable (optimization). false
components.model.layers Array<number> An array of layer id's that this model belongs to. When a model belongs to multiple layers it will be rendered multiple times. [0]
components.model.lightmapSizeMultiplier number Changing this value will affect resolution of lightmaps for this model. 1
components.model.lightmapped boolean If true, this model will be lightmapped after using lightmapper.bake(). false
components.model.mapping object A dictionary that maps a material asset to each mesh instance. Each key is the mesh instance index and each value is the asset id.
components.model.materialAsset number The id of the material asset that will be used to render the model (only applies to primitives). null
components.model.receiveShadows boolean If true, the model rendered by this component will receive shadows cast by other models in the scene. true
components.model.type string The type of the model to be rendered. Can be: asset, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, sphere. "asset"

ParticleSystem Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.particlesystem object The data for the particlesystem component.
components.particlesystem.alignToMotion boolean If true orient particles in their direction of motion. false
components.particlesystem.alphaGraph object A curve defining how each particle's opacity changes over time. If alphaGraph2 is specified, the opacity will be a random lerp between both curves. {"type":1,"keys":[0,1],"betweenCurves":false}
components.particlesystem.alphaGraph2 object A curve defining how each particle's opacity changes over time. If specified, the opacity will be a random lerp between both curves. {"type":1,"keys":[0,1]}
components.particlesystem.animIndex number The animation from the sprite sheet to play for each particle in the system. 0
components.particlesystem.animLoop boolean If true then the sprite sheet animation will repeat indefinitely. true
components.particlesystem.animNumAnimations number Number of animations contained in the sprite sheet. 1
components.particlesystem.animNumFrames number Number of sprite sheet frames in each animation. 1
components.particlesystem.animSpeed number Sprite sheet animation speed. 1 = particle lifetime, 2 = twice during lifetime etc... 1
components.particlesystem.animStartFrame number Sprite sheet frame in animation to begin animating from. 0
components.particlesystem.animTilesX number Number of horizontal tiles in the sprite sheet. 1
components.particlesystem.animTilesY number Number of vertical tiles in the sprite sheet. 1
components.particlesystem.autoPlay boolean If true, the particle system will play immediately on creation. If false, you will need to call the particle system component's play function from script. true
components.particlesystem.blendType number The blending mode determines how particles are composited when they are written to the frame buffer. 2
components.particlesystem.colorGraph object A curve defining how each particle's color changes over time. {"type":4,"keys":[[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]],"betweenCurves":false}
components.particlesystem.colorMapAsset number The id of the color map texture asset to apply to all particles in the system. If no texture asset is assigned, a default spot texture is used. null
components.particlesystem.depthSoftening number This variable value determines how much particles fade out as they get closer to another surface. 0
components.particlesystem.depthWrite boolean If true, the particles will write depth information to the depth buffer. false
components.particlesystem.emitterExtents Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the half extents of a local space bounding box within which particles are spawned at random positions. [0,0,0]
components.particlesystem.emitterRadius number The radius within which particles are spawned at random positions. 0
components.particlesystem.emitterShape number Shape of the emitter. Can be: pc.EMITTERSHAPE_BOX, pc.EMITTERSHAPE_SPHERE. 0
components.particlesystem.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.particlesystem.halfLambert boolean If true avoid particles looking too flat when lights appear to be shining towards the back sides of the particles. false
components.particlesystem.intensity number Scales the color of particles to allow them to have arbitrary brightness. 1
components.particlesystem.layers Array<number> An array of layer id's that this particle sytem belongs to. When a particle system belongs to multiple layers it will be rendered multiple times. [0] boolean If true, the particle will be lit by the directional and ambient light in the scene. false
components.particlesystem.loop boolean If true, the particle system will emit indefinitely. Otherwise, it will emit the number of particles specified by the numParticles property and then stop. true
components.particlesystem.mesh number The id of a model asset. The first mesh found in the model is used to represent all particles rather than a flat billboard. null
components.particlesystem.normalMapAsset number The id of the normal map texture asset to apply to all particles in the system. null
components.particlesystem.numParticles number The maximum number of particles managed by this particle system. 30
components.particlesystem.orientation number Orientation mode controls particle planes facing. 0
components.particlesystem.particleNormal Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents either world or emitter space vector to define particle plane orientation. [0,1,0]
components.particlesystem.preWarm boolean If true, the particle system will be initialized as though it had already completed a full cycle. false
components.particlesystem.radialSpeedGraph object A curve defining how particle's radial speed changes over time. Individual particle radial velocity points from emitter origin to particle current position. {"type":1,"keys":[0,0],"betweenCurves":false}
components.particlesystem.rotationSpeedGraph object A curve defining how each particle's angular velocity changes over time. {"type":1,"keys":[0,0],"betweenCurves":false}
components.particlesystem.scaleGraph object A curve defining how each particle's scale changes over time. By default, a particle is 1 unit in width and height. {"type":1,"keys":[0,0.1],"betweenCurves":false}
components.particlesystem.screenSpace boolean Renders particles in 2D screen space. false
components.particlesystem.sort number Sorting mode gives you control over the order in which particles are rendered. 0
components.particlesystem.startAngle number The bounds of the initial particle rotation specified in degrees. 0
components.particlesystem.velocityGraph object A curve defining how each particle's velocity with respect to the world coordinate system changes over time. {"type":1,"keys":[[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1]],"betweenCurves":true}
components.particlesystem.wrap boolean Enables wrap bounds. false
components.particlesystem.wrapBounds Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the world space AABB volume centered on the owner entity's position. [0,0,0]

Render Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.render object The data for the render component.
components.render.aabbCenter Array<number> An array of 3 numbers controlling the center of the AABB to be used.
components.render.aabbHalfExtents Array<number> An array of 3 numbers controlling the half extents of the AABB to be used.
components.render.asset number The id of the render asset for the render component (only applies to type "asset"). null
components.render.batchGroupId number The batch group id that the meshes should belong to. null
components.render.castShadows boolean If true, attached meshes will cast shadows for lights that have shadow casting enabled. true
components.render.castShadowsLightmap boolean If true, the meshes will cast shadows when rendering lightmaps. true
components.render.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.render.isStatic boolean Mark meshes as non-movable (optimization). false
components.render.layers Array<number> An array of layer id's to which the meshes should belong. [0]
components.render.lightmapSizeMultiplier number Lightmap resolution multiplier. 1
components.render.lightmapped boolean If true, the meshes will be lightmapped after using lightmapper.bake(). false
components.render.materialAssets Array<number> An array of material asset id's that will be used to render the meshes. Each material corresponds to the respective mesh instance. []
components.render.receiveShadows boolean If true, shadows will be cast on attached meshes. true
components.render.rootBone string The resource_id of the entity to be used as the root bone for any skinned meshes that are rendered by this component. null
components.render.type string The type of the render component. Can be: asset, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, plane, sphere. "asset"

RigidBody Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.rigidbody object The data for the rigidbody component.
components.rigidbody.angularDamping number Controls the rate at which a body loses angular velocity over time. 0
components.rigidbody.angularFactor Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the scaling factor for angular movement of the body in each axis. [1,1,1]
components.rigidbody.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.rigidbody.friction number The friction value used when contacts occur between two bodies. 0.5
components.rigidbody.linearDamping number Controls the rate at which a body loses linear velocity over time. 0
components.rigidbody.linearFactor Array<number> An array of 3 numbers that represents the scaling factor for linear movement of the body in each axis. [1,1,1]
components.rigidbody.mass number The mass of the body. 1
components.rigidbody.restitution number The amount of energy lost when two objects collide, this determines the bounciness of the object. 0.5
components.rigidbody.type string The type of RigidBody determines how it is simulated. Can be one of: static, dynamic, kinematic. "static"

Screen Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.screen object The data for the screen component.
components.screen.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.screen.referenceResolution Array<number> An array of 2 numbers that represents the reference resolution of the screen. The screen adjusts its size based on scaleMode. [1280,720]
components.screen.resolution Array<number> An array of 2 numbers that represents the resolution of the screen. [1280,720]
components.screen.scaleBlend number Adjusts screen size changes relative to window size changes. 0 adjusts width only, 1 adjusts height only, values in between adjust both. 0.5
components.screen.scaleMode string Controls screen resizing with window size changes. Can be pc.SCALEMODE_BLEND for adjusting to window resolution or pc.SCALEMODE_NONE. "blend"
components.screen.screenSpace boolean If true, displays child Elements in 2D. Set false for a 3D screen. true

Script Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.script object The data for the script component.
components.script.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.script.order Array<string> An array of script names in the order they should be executed at runtime. []
components.script.scripts object A dictionary containing all scripts attached to this component, indexed by script name. {}
components.script.scripts.*.attributes object A dictionary holding the values for each attribute, indexed by attribute name.
components.script.scripts.*.enabled boolean Whether the individual script instance is enabled.

Scrollbar Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.scrollbar object The data for the scrollbar component.
components.scrollbar.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.scrollbar.handleEntity string The resource_id of the entity used as the scrollbar handle. Must have a scrollbar component. null
components.scrollbar.handleSize number The size of the handle relative to the track size, in the range 0...1. 0.5
components.scrollbar.orientation number The scrollbar orientation: horizontal or vertical. 0
components.scrollbar.value number The current position value of the scrollbar, in the range 0...1. 0

Scrollview Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.scrollview object The data for the scrollview component.
components.scrollview.bounceAmount number Controls how far the content should move before bouncing back. 0.1
components.scrollview.contentEntity string The resource_id of the entity containing the scrolling content. Must have an element component. null
components.scrollview.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.scrollview.friction number Controls how freely content moves if thrown, with 1 stopping immediately and 0 allowing perpetual movement. 0.05
components.scrollview.horizontal boolean Whether to enable horizontal scrolling. true
components.scrollview.horizontalScrollbarEntity string The resource_id of the entity used as the horizontal scrollbar. Must have a scrollbar component. null
components.scrollview.horizontalScrollbarVisibility number Controls visibility of the horizontal scrollbar. 1
components.scrollview.mouseWheelSensitivity Array<number> Controls mouse wheel sensitivity for scrolling, with 0 disabling it. [1,1]
components.scrollview.scrollMode number How the scroll view behaves when scrolling past content end. 1
components.scrollview.useMouseWheel boolean Whether to use the mouse wheel for scrolling within bounds. true
components.scrollview.vertical boolean Whether to enable vertical scrolling. true
components.scrollview.verticalScrollbarEntity string The resource_id of the entity used as the vertical scrollbar. Must have a scrollbar component. null
components.scrollview.verticalScrollbarVisibility number Controls visibility of the vertical scrollbar. 1
components.scrollview.viewportEntity string The resource_id of the entity used as the viewport area, within which content scrolls. Must have an element component of type group. null

Sound Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.sound object The data for the sound component.
components.sound.distanceModel string Algorithm to use for audio volume falloff. Can be: "inverse", "linear", "exponential". "linear"
components.sound.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.sound.maxDistance number Maximum distance at which audio falloff stops. 10000
components.sound.pitch number The pitch for audio playback. Multiplied with slot pitch values. 1
components.sound.positional boolean If true, audio is played as 3D sound. true
components.sound.refDistance number Reference distance for reducing audio volume. 1
components.sound.rollOffFactor number Rate at which the audio volume falls off. 1
components.sound.slots object Dictionary of sound slots, each controlling playback of an audio asset. See below
components.sound.slots.*.asset number The id of the audio asset in this sound slot.
components.sound.slots.*.autoPlay boolean If true, this sound slot plays on load.
components.sound.slots.*.duration number Duration of the sound to play from this slot.
components.sound.slots.*.loop boolean If true, sound slot loops playback.
components.sound.slots.*.name string Name of the sound slot.
components.sound.slots.*.overlap boolean If true, sounds from this slot overlap each other.
components.sound.slots.*.pitch number Pitch for playback of this sound slot.
components.sound.slots.*.startTime number Start time for playing the sound.
components.sound.slots.*.volume number Volume modifier for this sound slot.
components.sound.volume number Overall volume modifier for the component. 1

Sprite Component Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
components.sprite object The data for the sprite component.
components.sprite.autoPlayClip string The name of the sprite animation clip to play automatically when the component is enabled. null
components.sprite.batchGroupId number The batch group id that this sprite belongs to. null
components.sprite.clips object A dictionary containing data for all sprite animation clips. Each key is the index of the clip. {}
components.sprite.clips.*.autoPlay boolean If true, automatically start playing this animation clip when loaded.
components.sprite.clips.*.fps number The frames per second for this animation clip.
components.sprite.clips.*.loop boolean If true, the animation clip will loop.
components.sprite.clips.*.name string The unique name of the animation clip for this sprite component.
components.sprite.clips.*.spriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset containing all frames for this animation clip.
components.sprite.color Array<number> The color tint of the sprite, represented as an array of 3 numbers. [1,1,1]
components.sprite.drawOrder number The draw order of the sprite; higher values are rendered on top of others. 0
components.sprite.enabled boolean Whether the component is enabled. true
components.sprite.flipX boolean If true, flips the sprite on the X axis. false
components.sprite.flipY boolean If true, flips the sprite on the Y axis. false
components.sprite.frame number The frame of the sprite asset to render. 0
components.sprite.height number The height of the sprite for 9-slicing rendering. 1
components.sprite.layers Array<number> The layers this sprite belongs to. [0]
components.sprite.opacity number The opacity of the sprite. 1
components.sprite.speed number Global speed modifier for sprite animation clips. 1
components.sprite.spriteAsset number The id of the sprite asset used by the component. null
components.sprite.type string The type of sprite component. Can be pc.SPRITETYPE_SIMPLE or pc.SPRITETYPE_ANIMATED. "simple"
components.sprite.width number The width of the sprite for 9-slicing rendering. 1


  • Events
    • Entity


  • Inserts entity as a child at specified index.


    • entity: Entity

      The entity

    • index: number = undefined

      The index. If undefined the child will be added in the end.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the child was added


  • Adds a component to this Entity


    • component: string

      The component name

    • data: object = {}

      Default component data. Defaults values will be used for any missing fields. For details on component properties see Entity.

    Returns void

    editor.entities.root.addComponent('model', {
    type: 'box'
  • Adds a script to the script component of this entity. If a script component does not exist, this method will add the script component as well.


    • scriptName: string

      The name of the script.

    • options: {
          attributes: object;
          history: boolean;
          index: number;
      } = {}


      • attributes: object

        The values of attributes. Each key is the name of the attributes and each value is the value for that attribute. Leave undefined to let the Editor set default values depending on the attribute types.

      • history: boolean

        Whether to add a history action. Defaults to true.

      • index: number

        The desired index in the entity's scripts order to add this script.

    Returns Promise<any>

    A promise

  • Deletes entity (and its children)


    • options: {
          history: boolean;
      } = {}


      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action. Defaults to true.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise

  • Executes function for this entity and its children in depth first order.


    • fn: Function

      A function that takes an entity as an argument

    Returns void

    // get a list of all entities in the graph in depth first order
    const entities = [];
    editor.entities.root.depthFirst(entity => entities.push(entity));
  • Duplicates entity under the same parent


    • Optionaloptions: {
          history: boolean;
          rename: boolean;
          select: boolean;
      } = {}


      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action. Defaults to true.

      • rename: boolean

        Whether to rename the duplicated entity. Defaults to false.

      • select: boolean

        Whether to select the new entity. Defaults to false.

    Returns Promise<Entity>

    The new entity

  • Returns the entity and children that satisfy the function


    • fn: Function

      A function that takes an Entity and returns whether it should be included in the result

    Returns Entity[]

    The result

    const doors = editor.entities.root.filter(entity => entity.get('name').startsWith('door'));
  • Finds first entity by name using depth-first search


    • name: string

      The name

    Returns Entity

    The entity

    const door = editor.entities.root.findByName('Door');
  • Gets value at path. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    Returns any

    The value

  • Checks if path exists. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    Returns boolean

    True if path exists

  • Inserts value in array at path, at specified index. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    • index: number

      The index (if undefined the value will be inserted in the end)

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was inserted

    entity.insert('tags', 'a_tag');
  • Returns true if this entity is a descendant of the specified parent entity.


    Returns boolean

    True if it is

  • Returns JSON representation of entity data

    Returns object

    • The data
  • Returns a JSON representation of entity data. The children array of the entity gets recursively converted to an array of entity data instead of containing children resource ids.

    Returns object

    • The data
    const data = entity.jsonHierarchy();
  • Finds all entities with specified tags


    • Rest...tags: any[]

      The tags. If multiple tags are specified then entities that contain ANY of the specified tags will be included. If an argument is an array of tags then entities that contain ALL of the tags in the array will be included.

    Returns Entity[]

    The entities

    // entities that have the following tag
    const entities = editor.entities.root.listByTag('tag');
    // entities that have any of the following tags
    const entities = editor.entities.root.listByTag('tag', 'tag2');
    // entities that have all of the following tags
    const entities = editor.entities.root.listByTag(['tag', 'tag2']);
  • Removes a component from this Entity


    • component: string

      The component name

    Returns void

  • Removes a script from the entity's script component.


    • scriptName: string

      The name of the script.

    • options: {
          history: boolean;
      } = {}


      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action. Defaults to true.

    Returns void

  • Remove value from array at path. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was removed

    entity.removeValue('tags', 'a_tag');
  • Reparents entity under new parent


    • parent: Entity

      The new parent

    • index: number = null

      The desired index. If undefined the entity will be added at the end of the parent's children.

    • options: {
          history: boolean;
          preserveTransform: boolean;
      } = {}


      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action. Defaults to true.

      • preserveTransform: boolean

        Whether to preserve the original transform after reparenting

    Returns void

    const redHouse = editor.entities.root.findByName('red house');
    const greenHouse = editor.entities.root.findByName('green house');
    const door = redHouse.findByName('door');
  • Sets value at path. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was set

    entity.set('position', [1, 0, 0]);
  • Unsets value at path. See Entity for a list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was unset
