Create a new TorusGeometry instance.
opts: { An object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:
Generate tangent information (defaults to false).
The radius from the centre of the torus to the centre of the tube (defaults to 0.3).
The sector angle in degrees of the ring of the torus (defaults to 2 * Math.PI).
The number of radial divisions forming cross-sections of the torus ring (defaults to 20).
The number of divisions around the tubular body of the torus ring (defaults to 30).
The radius of the tube forming the body of the torus (defaults to 0.2).
A procedural torus-shaped geometry.
The size, shape and tesselation properties of the torus can be controlled via constructor parameters. By default, the function will create a torus in the XZ-plane with a tube radius of 0.2, a ring radius of 0.3, 30 segments and 20 sides.
Note that the torus is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1.