The options specified when the render target was initialized.
Render passes which need to be executed after this pass.
Render passes which need to be executed before this pass.
Array of color attachment operations. The first element corresponds to the color attachment 0, and so on.
The graphics device.
True if the render pass is enabled and execute function will be called. Note that before and after functions are called regardless of this flag.
True if the render pass uses the full viewport / scissor for rendering into the render target.
The render target for this render pass:
: render pass does not render to any render targetnull
: render pass renders to the backbufferNumber of samples. 0 if no render target, otherwise number of samples from the render target, or the main framebuffer if render target is null.
Color attachment operations for the first color attachment.
renderTarget: any = nullThe render target to render into (output). This function should be called only for render passes which use render target, or passes which render directly into the default framebuffer, in which case a null or undefined render target is expected.
options: { resizeSource?: Texture; scaleX?: number; scaleY?: number }Object for passing optional arguments.
resizeSource?: TextureA texture to use as a source for the automatic render target resize operation. If not provided, no automatic resizing takes place.
scaleX?: numberThe scale factor for the render target width. Defaults to 1.
scaleY?: numberThe scale factor for the render target height. Defaults to 1.
A render pass used to render cookie textures (both 2D and Cubemap) into the texture atlas.