A procedural cylinder-shaped geometry.

The size, shape and tesselation properties of the cylinder can be controlled via constructor parameters. By default, the function will create a cylinder standing vertically centered on the XZ-plane with a radius of 0.5, a height of 1.0, 1 height segment and 20 cap segments.

Note that the cylinder is created with UVs in the range of 0 to 1.


  • ConeBaseGeometry
    • CylinderGeometry


  • Create a new CylinderGeometry instance.


    • Optionalopts: {
          calculateTangents: boolean;
          capSegments: number;
          height: number;
          heightSegments: number;
          radius: number;
      } = {}

      An object that specifies optional inputs for the function as follows:

      • calculateTangents: boolean

        Generate tangent information (defaults to false).

      • capSegments: number

        The number of divisions around the tubular body of the cylinder (defaults to 20).

      • height: number

        The length of the body of the cylinder (defaults to 1.0).

      • heightSegments: number

        The number of divisions along the length of the cylinder (defaults to 5).

      • radius: number

        The radius of the tube forming the body of the cylinder (defaults to 0.5).

    Returns CylinderGeometry


blendIndices: number[]

Blend indices.

blendWeights: number[]

Blend weights.

colors: number[]



  • Generates normal information from the positions and triangle indices.

    Returns void

  • Generates tangent information from the positions, normals, texture coordinates and triangle indices.

    Returns void