Interface to a texture parser. Implementations of this interface handle the loading and opening of texture assets.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Parameters

    • url: { load: string; original: string }

      The URL of the resource to load.

      • load: string

        The URL to use for loading the resource.

      • original: string

        The original URL useful for identifying the resource type.

    • callback: ResourceHandlerCallback

      The callback used when the resource is loaded or an error occurs.

    • Optionalasset: Asset

      Optional asset that is passed by ResourceLoader.

    Returns void


    Load the texture from the remote URL. When loaded (or failed), use the callback to return an the raw resource data (or error).

  • Parameters

    • url: string

      The URL of the resource to open.

    • data: any

      The raw resource data passed by callback from ResourceHandler#load.

    • device: GraphicsDevice

      The graphics device.

    Returns Texture

    The parsed resource data.


    Convert raw resource data into a resource instance. E.g. Take 3D model format JSON and return a Model.