Gets the default callback called when on asset upload succeeds.
Sets the default callback called when on asset upload succeeds. The function takes 2 arguments: the upload id, and the new asset.
Gets the default callback called when on asset upload fails.
Sets the default callback called when on asset upload progress. The function takes 2 arguments: the upload id, and the error.
Gets the default callback called when on asset upload progress.
Sets the default callback called when on asset upload progress. The function takes 2 arguments: the upload id and the progress.
Gets the callback which parses script assets.
Sets the callback which parses script assets. When this callback is set, new script assets will be parsed after they are created. The function takes the asset as a parameter and returns a promise with a list of script names when it is done parsing.
Creates new anim state graph asset.
The new asset
Creates new bundle asset
The new asset
Creates new CSS asset
The parent folder asset
The asset name
Function to report progress
Whether to preload the asset. Defaults to true.
The new asset
Creates new cubemap asset
Cubemap anisotropy value. Defaults to 1.
The parent folder asset
Cubemap magFilter value. Defaults to pc.FILTER_LINEAR.
Cubemap minFilter value. Defaults to pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR.
The asset name
Function to report progress
Whether to preload the asset. Defaults to true.
The textures for each cubemap face in this order: right, left, up, down, front, back
The new asset
Creates new HTML asset
The new asset
Creates new localization JSON asset
The new asset
Creates new JSON asset
The new asset
Creates new material asset
The new asset
Creates new script asset
The script data. See Asset for Script data.
The filename of the script. This will also be the name of the script asset. If not defined it will be generated from the name of the script.
The parent folder asset
Function to report progress
Whether to preload the asset. Defaults to true.
The contents of the script. If none then boilerplate code will be used.
The new asset
Creates new shader asset
The new asset
Creates new sprite asset
The parent folder asset
The sprite's frame keys
The asset name
Function to report progress
The sprite's pixels per unit value. Defaults to 100.
Whether to preload the asset. Defaults to true.
The sprite's render mode. Defaults to pc.SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SIMPLE.
The sprite's texture atlas asset
The new asset
Creates new template asset
The new asset
Creates new text asset
The new asset
Instantiates the specified template assets under the specified parent entity.
The new entities
Finds all assets with specified tags
The tags. If multiple tags are specified then assets that contain ANY of the specified tags will be included. If an argument is an array of tags then assets that contain ALL of the tags in the array will be included.
The assets
The Assets Editor API