Represents an Asset.

What follows is a reference for all possible asset paths that can be passed to functions such as Asset#get and Asset#set.

Common Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data object The asset data depend on the type of the asset. Asset data are available at runtime.
exclude boolean Exclude asset from the project. If true, the asset will not be available at runtime and not be included in published builds.
file object Properties related to the file of the asset.
file.variants object [read-only] Properties for the different variants of the asset file.
file.variants.basis object [read-only] Properties for the BASIS variant of the asset file
file.variants.dxt object [read-only] Properties for the DXT variant of the asset file
file.variants.etc1 object [read-only] Properties for the ETC1 variant of the asset file
file.variants.etc2 object [read-only] Properties for the ETC2 variant of the asset file
file.variants.pvr object [read-only] Properties for the PVR variant of the asset file
i18n object A dictionary that holds localized versions of the asset file. Each key in the dictionary is the locale and each value is the asset id.
id number [read-only] The asset id. This id is the same across different branches.
meta object [read-only] Asset properties that depend on the type of the asset. Meta properties are available in the PlayCanvas Editor but not at runtime.
name string [read-only] The name of the asset
path Array<number> [read-only] An array of folder asset id's that represent the full path of the asset, if the asset is under one or more folders.
preload boolean If true the asset will be loaded during the preload phase of application set up.
source boolean [read-only] Whether this is a source asset. A source asset is not included at runtime (e.g. FBX) but may have target assets that are generated from it (e.g. model assets).
source_asset_id string [read-only] The id of the source asset that generated this asset.
tags Array<string> An array of asset tags.
type string [read-only] The type of the asset. Can be: various types listed.
uniqueId number [read-only] The asset's unique id. This id is different across different branches.

Animation Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value object A set of events tied to the playback of this animation asset. {}*.name string The name of this event.*.number number An optional number value to be passed to the callback of this events listener.*.string string An optional string value to be passed to the callback of this events listener.*.time number The time during the playback of this animation that the event should trigger. Given in normalized time.

Animstategraph Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.layers object A set of AnimStateGraph layers. {"0":{"name":"Base","states":[0,1,2,3],"transitions":[0],"blendType":"OVERWRITE","weight":1}}
data.layers.*.blendType string Defines the way in which this layer should blend with previous layers. Can be: pc.ANIM_LAYER_OVERWRITE, pc.ANIM_LAYER_ADDITIVE.
data.layers.*.name string The name of the AnimStateGraph layer.
data.layers.*.states Array<number> The id's of the states that this layer contains.
data.layers.*.transitions Array<number> The id's of the transitions that this layer contains.
data.layers.*.weight number The weight that this layer contributes to the final output of the animation. Given as a normalized value.
data.parameters object A set of AnimStateGraph parameters. {}
data.parameters.*.name string The value that the condition should be compared against.
data.parameters.*.type string The type of this parameter's value. Can be: pc.ANIM_PARAMETER_INTEGER, pc.ANIM_PARAMETER_FLOAT, pc.ANIM_PARAMETER_BOOLEAN, pc.ANIM_PARAMETER_TRIGGER.
data.parameters.*.value mixed The value of this parameter.
data.states object A set of AnimStateGraph states. {"0":{"name":"START","id":0,"posX":50,"posY":100,"nodeType":3},"1":{"name":"ANY","id":1,"posX":50,"posY":150,"nodeType":4},"2":{"name":"END","id":2,"posX":50,"posY":200,"nodeType":5},"3":{"name":"Initial State","id":3,"speed":1,"loop":true,"posX":400,"posY":50,"nodeType":1}}
data.states.*.defaultState boolean If true, the START node will transition directly to this node at the start of playback.
data.states.*.id number The id of this state.
data.states.*.loop boolean Determines whether playback of this states animation should continually loop when it reaches the end.
data.states.*.name string The name of this state.
data.states.*.nodeType number The type of node this state should be. Either 0 (START), 1 (ANIMATION), 2 (ANY) or 3(END).
data.states.*.posX number The position of this node in the graph on the x axis
data.states.*.posY number The position of this node in the graph on the y axis
data.states.*.speed number The playback speed for this state.
data.transitions object A set of AnimStateGraph transitions. {"0":{"from":0,"to":3,"defaultTransition":true,"edgeType":1,"conditions":{}}}
data.transitions.*.conditions.*.parameterName string The name of the parameter this condition is evaluated on.
data.transitions.*.conditions.*.predicate string The comparator used to determine whether the condition passes. Can be: pc.ANIM_GREATER_THAN, pc.ANIM_LESS_THAN, pc.ANIM_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO, pc.ANIM_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO, pc.ANIM_EQUAL_TO, pc.ANIM_NOT_EQUAL_TO.
data.transitions.*.conditions.*.value mixed The value that the condition should be compared against.
data.transitions.*.defaultTransition boolean This should be true if this transition moves from the START state. Only one transition should contain this per layer.
data.transitions.*.edgeType number Defines the type of states this transition can connect. Should be 0 (Animation) nodes.
data.transitions.*.exitTime number Defines the single frame during the from states playback that this transition is active for. Given in normalized time.
data.transitions.*.from number The id of the state this transition moves from.
data.transitions.*.interruptionSource string Determines which states can interrupt this transition with their own transitions. Can be: pc.ANIM_INTERRUPTION_NONE, pc.ANIM_INTERRUPTION_PREV, pc.ANIM_INTERRUPTION_NEXT, pc.ANIM_INTERRUPTION_PREV_NEXT, pc.ANIM_INTERRUPTION_NEXT_PREV.
data.transitions.*.priority number Used to sort multiple active transitions in priority order. The transition with the lowest value is selected first.
data.transitions.*.time number The duration of the transitions blend between the from and to states.
data.transitions.*.to number The id of the state this transition moves to.
data.transitions.*.transitionOffset number Defines the point during this to states timeline that this transition should begin playback at.

Bundle Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.assets Array<number> An array of asset id's contained in the bundle. []

Cubemap Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.anisotropy number Integer value specifying the level of anisotropic to apply to the texture ranging from 1 (no anisotropic filtering) to the pc.GraphicsDevice property maxAnisotropy.
data.rgbm boolean Whether the cubemap is RGBM. The RGBM format is a format to store high dynamic range (HDR) textures by using the alpha channel to store a multiplier for the rgb channels.
data.textures Array<number> An array of 6 texture asset id's that represent the faces of the cubemap.
data.textures.* number Undefined.

Font Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.chars object Information about the characters in the font.
data.chars.*.height number The height.
data.chars.*.id number The character id.
data.chars.*.letter string The actual letter.
data.chars.*.range number The range.
data.chars.*.scale number The scale.
data.chars.*.width number The width.
data.chars.*.x number The x coordinate.
data.chars.*.xadvance number How much to advance in x axis.
data.chars.*.xoffset number The offset in x axis.
data.chars.*.y number The y coordinate.
data.chars.*.yoffset number The offset in y axis. object Information about the font. string The name of the font. number The height. number The width.
data.intensity number The intensity.
data.kerning object Information about the kerning.
data.version number The font version.

Material Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.alphaFade number Used to fade out materials that do not use opacity to fade specular (opacityFadesSpecular is false). 1
data.alphaTest number The alpha test reference value to control which fragments are written to the currently active render target based on alpha value. All fragments with an alpha value of less than the alphaTest reference value will be discarded. 0
data.alphaToCoverage boolean Enables or disables alpha to coverage. When enabled, and if hardware anti-aliasing is on, limited order-independent transparency can be achieved. Quality depends on the number of MSAA samples of the current render target. false
data.ambient Array<number> An array of 3 numbers controlling the tint color to multiply the scene's global ambient color. [0,0,0]
data.ambientTint boolean Enable this to multiply the scene's global ambient color with a material specific color. false
data.anisotropy number Defines the amount of specular anisotropy when GGX Specular is enabled. 0
data.aoMap number The id of an ambient occlusion texture asset containing pre-baked ambient occlusion. null
data.aoMapChannel string An ambient occlusion map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.aoMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the AO map. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.aoMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the AO map. [1,1]
data.aoMapUv number AO map UV channel. 0
data.aoMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for AO instead of a map. false
data.blendType number Controls blending. Can be various types like pc.BLEND_SUBTRACTIVE, pc.BLEND_ADDITIVE, etc. 3
data.bumpMapFactor number The strength of the applied normal map. This is a value between 0 (the normal map has no effect) and 2 (the effect of the normal map is exaggerated). 1
data.clearCoat number Defines the intensity of the clear coat layer from 0 to 1. 0
data.clearCoatBumpiness number The strength of the applied normal map for the clear coat layer, value between 0 and 2. 1
data.clearCoatGlossMap number The asset id of the clear coat gloss map that specifies a per-pixel intensity value. The clear coat gloss map is modulated by the clearCoat property. null
data.clearCoatGlossMapChannel string A clear coat gloss map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.clearCoatGlossMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the clear coat gloss map. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.clearCoatGlossMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the clear coat gloss map. [1,1]
data.clearCoatGlossMapUv number Clear coat gloss map UV channel. 0
data.clearCoatGlossVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for clear coat glossiness instead of a map. false
data.clearCoatGlossVertexColorChannel string A color channel to extract color value from vertex colors for clear coat glossiness. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.clearCoatGlossiness number A value determining the smoothness of the clear coat surface. 1
data.clearCoatMap number The clear coat map that specifies a per-pixel intensity value. The clear coat map is modulated by the Clear Coat Factor property. null
data.clearCoatMapChannel string A clearCoat map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.clearCoatMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the clearCoatMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.clearCoatMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the clearCoatMap. [1,1]
data.clearCoatMapUv number ClearCoat map UV channel. 0
data.clearCoatNormalMap number The asset id of the normal map that specifies the per-pixel surface normals for the clear coat layer. The normal map is modulated by the 'Bumpiness' property. null
data.clearCoatNormalMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the clear coat normal map. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.clearCoatNormalMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the clear coat normal map. [1,1]
data.clearCoatNormalMapUv number Clear coat normal map UV channel. 0
data.clearCoatVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for clear coat intensity instead of a map. false
data.clearCoatVertexColorChannel string A color channel to extract color value from vertex colors for clear coat intensity. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.conserveEnergy boolean Defines how diffuse and specular components are combined when Fresnel is on. It is recommended to leave this option enabled. true
data.cubeMap number The asset id of a cube map asset that approximates environment reflection. If the scene has a SkyBox set, then it will be used as the default cubeMap. null
data.cubeMapProjection number The type of projection applied to the cubeMap property, with options: pc.CUBEPROJ_NONE and pc.CUBEPROJ_BOX. Set to Box to enable world-space axis-aligned projection of cubemap based on bounding box. 0
data.cubeMapProjectionBox object The world space axis-aligned bounding box defining the box-projection used for the cubeMap property. Only used when cubeMapProjection is set to pc.CUBEPROJ_BOX. {"center":[0,0,0],"halfExtents":[0.5,0.5,0.5]} Array<number> Array of 3 numbers controlling the center of the box for cubeMap projection.
data.cubeMapProjectionBox.halfExtents Array<number> Array of 3 numbers controlling the half extents of the box for cubeMap projection.
data.cull number Controls culling. Can be: pc.CULLFACE_NONE, pc.CULLFACE_BACK, pc.CULLFACE_FRONT, pc.CULLFACE_FRONTANDBACK. 1
data.depthTest boolean If true, a per-pixel check is performed to determine if the pixel passes the engine's depth test when a mesh with the material is rendered. true
data.depthWrite boolean If true, depth information is written to the depth buffer when a mesh with the material is rendered. true
data.diffuse Array<number> An array of 3 numbers representing the diffuse color of the material if no diffuse map is set or tint is enabled. [1,1,1]
data.diffuseMap number The asset id of the diffuse map that specifies the per-pixel diffuse material color. If no diffuse map is set, the diffuse color is used instead. null
data.diffuseMapChannel string The diffuse map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a, rgb. "rgb"
data.diffuseMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the diffuseMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.diffuseMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the diffuseMap. [1,1]
data.diffuseMapTint boolean Check this to modulate the material's diffuse map with a material specific diffuse color. false
data.diffuseMapUv number Diffuse map UV channel. 0
data.diffuseMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for diffuse instead of a map. false
data.emissive Array<number> An array of 3 numbers representing the emissive color of the material if no emissive map is set or tint is enabled. [0,0,0]
data.emissiveIntensity number A multiplier for emissive color that can achieve overbright effects for exceptionally bright emissive materials. 1
data.emissiveMap number The asset id of the emissive map that specifies the per-pixel emissive color. If no emissive map is set, the emissive color is used instead. null
data.emissiveMapChannel string An emissive map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a, rgb. "rgb"
data.emissiveMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the emissiveMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.emissiveMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the emissiveMap. [1,1]
data.emissiveMapTint boolean Check this to modulate the material's emissive map with a material specific emissive color. false
data.emissiveMapUv number Emissive map UV channel. 0
data.emissiveMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for emission instead of a map. false
data.enableGGXSpecular boolean Enables GGX specular response. Also enables anisotropy parameter to set material anisotropy. false
data.fresnelModel number A parameter for Fresnel. Can be: pc.FRESNEL_NONE, pc.FRESNEL_SCHLICK. 0
data.glossMap number The asset id of the gloss map that specifies a per-pixel shininess value. The gloss map is modulated by the shininess property. null
data.glossMapChannel string A gloss map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.glossMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the glossMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.glossMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the glossMap. [1,1]
data.glossMapUv number Gloss map UV channel. 0
data.glossMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for glossiness instead of a map. false
data.heightMap number The asset id of the height map that specifies the per-pixel strength of the parallax effect. White is full height and black is zero height. null
data.heightMapChannel string A height map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.heightMapFactor number The strength of a parallax effect (a value between 0 and 2). 1
data.heightMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the heightMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.heightMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the heightMap. [1,1]
data.heightMapUv number Height map UV channel. 0
data.lightMap number The asset id of the lightmap texture that contains pre-baked diffuse lighting. The lightmap usually is applied to the second UV set. null
data.lightMapChannel string A light map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a, rgb. "rgb"
data.lightMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the lightmap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.lightMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the lightmap. [1,1]
data.lightMapUv number Lightmap UV channel. 1
data.lightMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex lightmap instead of a texture-based one. false
data.metalness number Metalness factor multiplier. 1
data.metalnessMap number The asset id of the map that specifies per-pixel metalness values. A value of 1 is metal and a value of 0 is non-metal. null
data.metalnessMapChannel string A metalness map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.metalnessMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the metalness map. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.metalnessMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the metalness map. [1,1]
data.metalnessMapUv number Metalness map UV channel. 0
data.metalnessMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for metalness instead of a map. false
data.normalMap number The asset id of the normal map that specifies the per-pixel surface normals. The normal map is modulated by the 'Bumpiness' property. null
data.normalMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the normalMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.normalMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the normalMap. [1,1]
data.normalMapUv number Normal map UV channel. 0
data.occludeSpecular number If true, ambient color will occlude specular factor of a material. 1
data.opacity number The opacity of the material. This is a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). 1
data.opacityFadesSpecular boolean Controls whether Specular is faded out by material Opacity which is sometimes not desired for shiny translucent materials such as glass. true
data.opacityMap number The asset id of the opacity map that specifies the per-pixel opacity. The opacity map is modulated by the opacity property. null
data.opacityMapChannel string An opacity map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a. "r"
data.opacityMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the opacityMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.opacityMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the opacityMap. [1,1]
data.opacityMapUv number Opacity map UV channel. 0
data.opacityMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for opacity instead of a map. false
data.reflectivity number A factor to determine what portion of light is reflected from the material. 1
data.refraction number A factor to determine what portion of light passes through the material. 0
data.refractionIndex number Determines the amount of distortion of light passing through the material. 0.6666666666666666
data.shininess number A value determining the smoothness of a surface. For smaller shininess values, a surface is rougher and specular highlights will be broader. For larger shininess values, a surface is smoother and will exhibit more concentrated specular highlights. 32
data.specular Array<number> An array of 3 numbers representing the specular color of the material if no specular map is set or tint is checked. [0.23,0.23,0.23]
data.specularAntialias boolean Enables Toksvig AA for mipmapped normal maps with specular. true
data.specularMap number The asset id of the specular map that specifies the per-pixel specular color. If no specular map is set, the specular color is used instead. null
data.specularMapChannel string A specular map color channel to extract color value from texture. Can be: r, g, b, a, rgb. "rgb"
data.specularMapOffset Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D offset of the specularMap. Each component is between 0 and 1. [0,0]
data.specularMapTiling Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the 2D tiling of the specularMap. [1,1]
data.specularMapTint boolean Check this to modulate the material's specular map with a material specific specular color. false
data.specularMapUv number Specular map UV channel. 0
data.specularMapVertexColor boolean Use vertex colors for specular instead of a map. false
data.sphereMap number The asset id of a sphere map texture asset that approximates environment reflection. null
data.useFog boolean Apply fogging (as configured in scene settings). true
data.useGammaTonemap boolean Apply gamma correction and tonemapping (as configured in scene settings). true
data.useLighting boolean Apply lighting. true
data.useMetalness boolean Toggle between specular and metalness workflow. false
data.useSkybox boolean Apply scene skybox as prefiltered environment map. true

Model Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.mapping Array<object> Defines the material mapping for each mesh instance.
data.mapping.* object

Render Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.containerAsset number The asset id of the container asset.
data.renderIndex number The index of the render asset inside its container asset.

Script Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.loading boolean Whether this is a script that defines a custom loading screen.
data.loadingType number This allows you to control when this script will be loaded. The possible values are: 0 (load as a regular Asset), 1 (load before the PlayCanvas engine is loaded), 2 (load right after the PlayCanvas engine has loaded).
data.scripts object Contains all the script data.
data.scripts.*.attributes object Contains the script attribute definitions.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.array boolean Whether this attribute is an array.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.assetType string The asset type. Can be various types like animation, audio, material, etc.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.color string Defines a color curve.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.curves Array<string> The names of the curves.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.default mixed The default value for the attribute.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.description string The description of the attribute.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.enum object Defines an enumeration of values.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.enum.options object Options for the enum
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.enum.order Array<string> The order of the enumerated values.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.max number The maximum value.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.min number The minimum value.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.placeholder mixed The placeholder string for the attribute.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.precision number The precision of the numeric input.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.schema Array<object> The schema for the json attribute
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.schema.* object Undefined
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.step number The step for the numeric input.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.title string The title to display for the attribute in the Editor.
data.scripts.*.attributes.*.type string The type of the script attribute. Can be: asset, boolean, curve, entity, json, number, rgb, rgba, string, vec2, vec3, vec4.
data.scripts.*.attributesOrder Array<string> An array that controls the order of the scripts in the script asset.

Sprite Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.pixelsPerUnit number The number of pixels that represent one PlayCanvas unit. You can use this value to change the rendered size of your sprites.
data.renderMode number The render mode of the asset. Can be: pc.SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SIMPLE, pc.SPRITE_RENDERMODE_SLICED, pc.SPRITE_RENDERMODE_TILED
data.textureAtlasAsset number The asset id of the texture atlas asset that contains all the frames that this asset is referencing.

Texture Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.addressu string The addressing mode to be applied to the texture. Can be: repeat, clamp, mirror.
data.addressv string The addressing mode to be applied to the texture. Can be: repeat, clamp, mirror.
data.anisotropy number Integer value specifying the level of anisotropic to apply to the texture ranging from 1 (no anisotropic filtering) to the pc.GraphicsDevice property maxAnisotropy.
data.magfilter string The magnification filter to be applied to the texture. Can be: nearest, linear, nearest_mip_nearest, linear_mip_nearest, nearest_mip_linear, linear_mip_linear.
data.minfilter string The minification filter to be applied to the texture. Can be: nearest, linear, nearest_mip_nearest, linear_mip_nearest, nearest_mip_linear, linear_mip_linear.
data.mipmaps boolean Whether the texture has mipmaps.
data.rgbm boolean Whether the texture is RGBM. The RGBM format is a format to store high dynamic range (HDR) textures by using the alpha channel to store a multiplier for the rgb channels.

TextureAtlas Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.addressu string The addressing mode to be applied to the texture. Can be: repeat, clamp, mirror.
data.addressv string The addressing mode to be applied to the texture. Can be: repeat, clamp, mirror.
data.anisotropy number Integer value specifying the level of anisotropic to apply to the texture ranging from 1 (no anisotropic filtering) to the pc.GraphicsDevice property maxAnisotropy.
data.frames object The definitions of the frames that can be referenced by sprite assets.
data.frames.*.border Array<number> Array of 4 numbers controlling the frame border.
data.frames.*.name string The frame name.
data.frames.*.pivot Array<number> Array of 2 numbers controlling the frame pivot.
data.frames.*.rect Array<number> Array of 4 numbers controlling the frame dimensions.
data.magfilter string The magnification filter to be applied to the texture. Can be: nearest, linear, nearest_mip_nearest, linear_mip_nearest, nearest_mip_linear, linear_mip_linear.
data.minfilter string The minification filter to be applied to the texture. Can be: nearest, linear, nearest_mip_nearest, linear_mip_nearest, nearest_mip_linear, linear_mip_linear.
data.mipmaps boolean Whether the texture has mipmaps.
data.rgbm boolean Whether the texture is RGBM. The RGBM format is a format to store high dynamic range (HDR) textures by using the alpha channel to store a multiplier for the rgb channels.

Wasm Asset Properties:

Path Type Description Default Value
data.fallbackScriptId number The asset id of the fallback script asset to be used if wasm modules are not supported. null
data.glueScriptId number The asset id of the script asset with the JavaScript glue code that implements the JavaScript interface to the wasm functions. null
data.moduleName string The name of the module library defined in the wasm module.


  • Events
    • Asset




  • Checks if path exists. See the Asset overview for a full list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    Returns boolean

    True if path exists

  • Inserts value in array at path, at specified index. See the Asset overview for a full list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    • index: number

      The index (if undefined the value will be inserted in the end)

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was inserted

  • Creates an instance of this template asset. Assumes this asset is a template asset.


    • parent: Entity

      The parent entity

    • options: { extraData: object; history: boolean; index: number; select: boolean }


      • extraData: object

        Extra data passed to the backend. Used by the Editor on specific cases.

      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action.

      • index: number

        The desired index under the parent to instantiate the template.

      • select: boolean

        Whether to select the new entity.

    Returns Promise<Entity>

    The new entity.

  • Remove value from array at path. See the Asset overview for a full list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was removed

  • Replaces any references to this asset with references to the new asset specified.


    • asset: Asset

      The new asset.

    • options: { history: boolean } = {}


      • history: boolean

        Whether to record a history action.

    Returns void

  • Sets value at path. See the Asset overview for a full list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    • value: any

      The value

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was set

  • Unsets value at path. See the Asset overview for a full list of properties.


    • path: string

      The path

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was unset

  • Gets the file URL for an asset file.


    • id: number

      The asset id

    • filename: string

      The desired filename

    Returns string

    The file URL