BlendState is a descriptor that defines how output of fragment shader is written and blended into render target. A blend state can be set on a material using Material#blendState, or in some cases on the graphics device using GraphicsDevice#setBlendState.

For the best performance, do not modify blend state after it has been created, but create multiple blend states and assign them to the material or graphics device as needed.



target0: number = 0

Bitfield representing the blend state for render target 0.

ADDBLEND: BlendState = ...

A blend state that does simple additive blending.

ALPHABLEND: BlendState = ...

A blend state that does simple translucency using alpha channel.

NOBLEND: BlendState = ...

A blend state that has blending disabled and writes to all color channels.

NOWRITE: BlendState = ...

A blend state that does not write to color channels.

