Create a new GraphNode instance.
name: string = 'Untitled'The non-unique name of a graph node. Defaults to 'Untitled'.
_childrenThe non-unique name of a graph node. Defaults to 'Untitled'.
Interface for tagging graph nodes. Tag based searches can be performed using the GraphNode#findByTag function.
Gets the children of this graph node.
Gets the enabled state of the GraphNode.
Sets the enabled state of the GraphNode. If one of the GraphNode's parents is disabled there will be no other side effects. If all the parents are enabled then the new value will activate or deactivate all the enabled children of the GraphNode.
Gets the normalized local space negative Z-axis vector of the graph node in world space.
Gets the depth of this child within the graph. Note that for performance reasons this is only recalculated when a node is added to a new parent. In other words, it is not recalculated when a node is simply removed from the graph.
Gets the parent of this graph node.
Gets the path of this graph node relative to the root of the hierarchy.
Gets the normalized local space X-axis vector of the graph node in world space.
Gets the oldest ancestor graph node from this graph node.
Gets the normalized local space Y-axis vector of the graph node in world space.
Graph node to update.
True if enabled in the hierarchy, false if disabled.
Called when the enabled flag of the entity or one of its parents changes.
True if enabled in the hierarchy, false if disabled.
Add a new child to the child list and update the parent value of the child node. If the node already had a parent, it is removed from its child list.
The new child to add.
Destroy the graph node and all of its descendants. First, the graph node is removed from the hierarchy. This is then repeated recursively for all descendants of the graph node.
The last thing the graph node does is fire the destroy
Search the graph node and all of its descendants for the nodes that satisfy some search criteria.
This can either be a function or a string. If it's a function, it is executed for each descendant node to test if node satisfies the search logic. Returning true from the function will include the node into the results. If it's a string then it represents the name of a field or a method of the node. If this is the name of a field then the value passed as the second argument will be checked for equality. If this is the name of a function then the return value of the function will be checked for equality against the valued passed as the second argument to this function.
value: anyIf the first argument (attr) is a property name then this value will be checked against the value of the property.
The array of graph nodes that match the search criteria.
Get the first node found in the graph with the name. The search is depth first.
The name of the graph.
The first node to be found matching the supplied name. Returns null if no node is found.
Get the first node found in the graph by its full path in the graph. The full path has this form 'parent/child/sub-child'. The search is depth first.
The first node to be found matching the supplied path. Returns null if no node is found.
Return all graph nodes that satisfy the search query. Query can be simply a string, or comma separated strings, to have inclusive results of assets that match at least one query. A query that consists of an array of tags can be used to match graph nodes that have each tag of array.
A list of all graph nodes that match the query.
Search the graph node and all of its descendants for the first node that satisfies some search criteria.
This can either be a function or a string. If it's a function, it is executed for each descendant node to test if node satisfies the search logic. Returning true from the function will result in that node being returned from findOne. If it's a string then it represents the name of a field or a method of the node. If this is the name of a field then the value passed as the second argument will be checked for equality. If this is the name of a function then the return value of the function will be checked for equality against the valued passed as the second argument to this function.
value: anyIf the first argument (attr) is a property name then this value will be checked against the value of the property.
A graph node that match the search criteria. Returns null if no node is found.
Fire an event, all additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.
Name of event to fire.
arg1: anyFirst argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg2: anySecond argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg3: anyThird argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg4: anyFourth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg5: anyFifth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg6: anySixth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg7: anySeventh argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg8: anyEighth argument that is passed to the event handler.
Self for chaining.
Executes a provided function once on this graph node and all of its descendants.
The function to execute on the graph node and each descendant.
thisArg: anyOptional value to use as this when executing callback function.
Get the world space rotation for the specified GraphNode in Euler angle form. The rotation is returned as euler angles in a Vec3. The value returned by this function should be considered read-only. In order to set the world space rotation of the graph node, use GraphNode#setEulerAngles.
The world space rotation of the graph node in Euler angle form.
Get the rotation in local space for the specified GraphNode. The rotation is returned as euler angles in a Vec3. The returned vector should be considered read-only. To update the local rotation, use GraphNode#setLocalEulerAngles.
The local space rotation of the graph node as euler angles in XYZ order.
Get the position in local space for the specified GraphNode. The position is returned as a Vec3. The returned vector should be considered read-only. To update the local position, use GraphNode#setLocalPosition.
The local space position of the graph node.
Get the rotation in local space for the specified GraphNode. The rotation is returned as a Quat. The returned quaternion should be considered read-only. To update the local rotation, use GraphNode#setLocalRotation.
The local space rotation of the graph node as a quaternion.
Get the scale in local space for the specified GraphNode. The scale is returned as a Vec3. The returned vector should be considered read-only. To update the local scale, use GraphNode#setLocalScale.
The local space scale of the graph node.
Get the local transform matrix for this graph node. This matrix is the transform relative to the node's parent's world transformation matrix.
The node's local transformation matrix.
Get the world space position for the specified GraphNode. The position is returned as a Vec3. The value returned by this function should be considered read-only. In order to set the world space position of the graph node, use GraphNode#setPosition.
The world space position of the graph node.
Get the world space rotation for the specified GraphNode. The rotation is returned as a Quat. The value returned by this function should be considered read-only. In order to set the world space rotation of the graph node, use GraphNode#setRotation.
The world space rotation of the graph node as a quaternion.
Get the world transformation matrix for this graph node.
The node's world transformation matrix.
Test if there are any handlers bound to an event name.
The name of the event to test.
True if the object has handlers bound to the specified event name.
Insert a new child to the child list at the specified index and update the parent value of the child node. If the node already had a parent, it is removed from its child list.
The new child to insert.
The index in the child list of the parent where the new node will be inserted.
Check if node is ancestor for another node.
Potential descendant of node.
If node is ancestor for another node.
Check if node is descendant of another node.
Potential ancestor of node.
If node is descendant of another node.
Reorients the graph node so that the negative z-axis points towards the target. This function has two valid signatures. Either pass 3D vectors for the look at coordinate and up vector, or pass numbers to represent the vectors.
If passing a 3D vector, this is the world space coordinate to look at. Otherwise, it is the x-component of the world space coordinate to look at.
y: number | Vec3If passing a 3D vector, this is the world space up vector for look at transform. Otherwise, it is the y-component of the world space coordinate to look at.
z: numberZ-component of the world space coordinate to look at.
ux: number = 0X-component of the up vector for the look at transform. Defaults to 0.
uy: number = 1Y-component of the up vector for the look at transform. Defaults to 1.
uz: number = 0Z-component of the up vector for the look at transform. Defaults to 0.
// Look at another entity, using the (default) positive y-axis for up
const position = otherEntity.getPosition();
// Look at another entity, using the negative world y-axis for up
const position = otherEntity.getPosition();
this.entity.lookAt(position, pc.Vec3.DOWN);
Detach an event handler from an event. If callback is not provided then all callbacks are unbound from the event, if scope is not provided then all events with the callback will be unbound.
name: stringName of the event to unbind.
callback: HandleEventCallbackFunction to be unbound.
scope: anyScope that was used as the this when the event is fired.
Self for chaining.
const handler = () => {};
obj.on('test', handler);; // Removes all events'test'); // Removes all events called 'test''test', handler); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test''test', handler, this); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test' with scope this
Attach an event handler to an event.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Can be used for removing event in the future.
Attach an event handler to an event. This handler will be removed after being fired once.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Remove graph node from current parent.
Remove the node from the child list and update the parent value of the child.
The node to remove.
Remove graph node from current parent and add as child to new parent.
New parent to attach graph node to.
index: numberThe child index where the child node should be placed.
Rotates the graph node in world space by the specified Euler angles. Eulers are specified in degrees in XYZ order. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the world space rotation.
3-dimensional vector holding world space rotation or rotation around world space x-axis in degrees.
y: numberRotation around world space y-axis in degrees.
z: numberRotation around world space z-axis in degrees.
Rotates the graph node in local space by the specified Euler angles. Eulers are specified in degrees in XYZ order. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the local space rotation.
3-dimensional vector holding local space rotation or rotation around local space x-axis in degrees.
y: numberRotation around local space y-axis in degrees.
z: numberRotation around local space z-axis in degrees.
Sets the world space rotation of the specified graph node using euler angles. Eulers are interpreted in XYZ order. Eulers must be specified in degrees. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the world space euler rotation.
3-dimensional vector holding eulers or rotation around world space x-axis in degrees.
y: numberRotation around world space y-axis in degrees.
z: numberRotation around world space z-axis in degrees.
Sets the local space rotation of the specified graph node using euler angles. Eulers are interpreted in XYZ order. Eulers must be specified in degrees. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the local space euler rotation.
3-dimensional vector holding eulers or rotation around local space x-axis in degrees.
y: numberRotation around local space y-axis in degrees.
z: numberRotation around local space z-axis in degrees.
Sets the local space position of the specified graph node. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the local space position.
3-dimensional vector holding local space position or x-coordinate of local space position.
y: numberY-coordinate of local space position.
z: numberZ-coordinate of local space position.
Sets the local space rotation of the specified graph node. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a quaternion or 3 numbers to specify the local space rotation.
Quaternion holding local space rotation or x-component of local space quaternion rotation.
y: numberY-component of local space quaternion rotation.
z: numberZ-component of local space quaternion rotation.
w: numberW-component of local space quaternion rotation.
Sets the local space scale factor of the specified graph node. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the local space scale.
3-dimensional vector holding local space scale or x-coordinate of local space scale.
y: numberY-coordinate of local space scale.
z: numberZ-coordinate of local space scale.
Sets the world space position of the specified graph node. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the world space position.
3-dimensional vector holding world space position or x-coordinate of world space position.
y: numberY-coordinate of world space position.
z: numberZ-coordinate of world space position.
Sets the world space rotation of the specified graph node. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a quaternion or 3 numbers to specify the world space rotation.
Quaternion holding world space rotation or x-component of world space quaternion rotation.
y: numberY-component of world space quaternion rotation.
z: numberZ-component of world space quaternion rotation.
w: numberW-component of world space quaternion rotation.
Translates the graph node in world space by the specified translation vector. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the world space translation.
3-dimensional vector holding world space translation or x-coordinate of world space translation.
y: numberY-coordinate of world space translation.
z: numberZ-coordinate of world space translation.
Translates the graph node in local space by the specified translation vector. This function has two valid signatures: you can either pass a 3D vector or 3 numbers to specify the local space translation.
3-dimensional vector holding local space translation or x-coordinate of local space translation.
y: numberY-coordinate of local space translation.
z: numberZ-coordinate of local space translation.
class represents a node within a hierarchical scene graph. EachGraphNode
can reference a array of child nodes. This creates a tree-like structure that is fundamental for organizing and managing the spatial relationships between objects in a 3D scene. This class provides a comprehensive API for manipulating the position, rotation, and scale of nodes both locally and in world space.GraphNode
is the superclass of Entity, which is the primary class for creating objects in a PlayCanvas application. For this reason,GraphNode
is rarely used directly, but it provides a powerful set of features that are leveraged by theEntity