Create a new Quat instance.
x: number | number[] = 0The quaternion's x component. Defaults to 0. If x is an array of length 4, the array will be used to populate all components.
y: number = 0The quaternion's y component. Defaults to 0.
z: number = 0The quaternion's z component. Defaults to 0.
w: number = 1The quaternion's w component. Defaults to 1.
The w component of the quaternion.
The x component of the quaternion.
The y component of the quaternion.
The z component of the quaternion.
IDENTITYA constant quaternion set to [0, 0, 0, 1] (the identity). Represents no rotation.
ZEROA constant quaternion set to [0, 0, 0, 0].
Returns an identical copy of the specified quaternion.
A new quaternion identical to this one.
Reports whether two quaternions are equal.
The quaternion to be compared against.
True if the quaternions are equal and false otherwise.
Reports whether two quaternions are equal using an absolute error tolerance.
The quaternion to be compared against.
epsilon: number = 1e-6The maximum difference between each component of the two quaternions. Defaults to 1e-6.
True if the quaternions are equal and false otherwise.
Gets the rotation axis and angle for a given quaternion. If a quaternion is created with
, this method will return the same values as provided in the original
parameter list OR functionally equivalent values.
The 3-dimensional vector to receive the axis of rotation.
Angle, in degrees, of the rotation.
Sets the specified quaternion to the supplied numerical values.
The x component of the quaternion.
The y component of the quaternion.
The z component of the quaternion.
The w component of the quaternion.
Self for chaining.
Sets a quaternion from Euler angles specified in XYZ order.
Angle to rotate around X axis in degrees. If ex is a Vec3, the three angles will be read from it instead.
ey: numberAngle to rotate around Y axis in degrees.
ez: numberAngle to rotate around Z axis in degrees.
Self for chaining.
Converts the specified 4x4 matrix to a quaternion. Note that since a quaternion is purely a representation for orientation, only the rotational part of the matrix is used.
The 4x4 matrix to convert.
Self for chaining.
Performs a spherical interpolation between two quaternions. The result of the interpolation is written to the quaternion calling the function.
The quaternion to interpolate from.
The quaternion to interpolate to.
The value controlling the interpolation in relation to the two input quaternions. The value is in the range 0 to 1, 0 generating q1, 1 generating q2 and anything in between generating a spherical interpolation between the two.
Self for chaining.
Transforms a 3-dimensional vector by the specified quaternion.
The transformed vector (res if specified, otherwise a new Vec3).
A quaternion representing rotation in 3D space. Quaternions are typically used to represent rotations in 3D applications, offering advantages over Euler angles including no gimbal lock and more efficient interpolation.