LayoutGroupComponent: {
    alignment: number[];
    enabled: boolean;
    heightFitting: number;
    orientation: number;
    padding: number[];
    reverseX: boolean;
    reverseY: boolean;
    spacing: number[];
    widthFitting: number;
    wrap: boolean;

LayoutGroup Component Properties.

Type declaration

  • alignment: number[]

    An array of 2 numbers controlling the horizontal and vertical alignment of child elements.

  • enabled: boolean

    Whether the component is enabled.

  • heightFitting: number

    Fitting logic to be applied when positioning and scaling child elements.

  • orientation: number

    Whether the layout should run horizontally or vertically.

  • padding: number[]

    An array of 4 numbers controlling the padding to be applied inside the container before positioning any children.

  • reverseX: boolean

    Reverses the order of elements on the X axis.

  • reverseY: boolean

    Reverses the order of elements on the Y axis.

  • spacing: number[]

    An array of 2 numbers controlling the spacing to be applied between each child element.

  • widthFitting: number

    Fitting logic to be applied when positioning and scaling child elements.

  • wrap: boolean

    Whether or not to wrap children onto a new row/column when the size of the container is exceeded.
