Represents a gradient picker.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • get hiddenToRoot(): boolean
  • Gets whether the Element is hidden all the way up to the root. If the Element itself or any of its parents are hidden then this is true.

    Returns boolean


  • Links the specified observers and paths to the Element's data binding.


    • observers: Observer | Observer[]

      An array of observers or a single observer.

    • paths: string | string[]

      A path for the observer(s) or an array of paths that maps to each separate observer.

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters


    • type: string

      The type we want to reference this Element by.

    • cls: Object

      The actual class of the Element.

    • OptionaldefaultArguments: any

      Default arguments when creating this type.

    Returns void


EVENT_CLICK: "click" = 'click'

Fired when the mouse is clicked on the Element but only if the Element is enabled. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('click', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element clicked');
EVENT_DESTROY: "destroy" = 'destroy'

Fired after the element has been destroyed. Both the DOM element and the owner Element instance are passed as parameters to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('destroy', (dom: HTMLElement, element: Element) => {
console.log('Element destroyed');
EVENT_DISABLE: "disable" = 'disable'

Fired when the Element gets disabled.

const element = new Element();
element.on('disable', () => {
console.log('Element disabled');
EVENT_ENABLE: "enable" = 'enable'

Fired when the Element gets enabled.

const element = new Element();
element.on('enable', () => {
console.log('Element enabled');
EVENT_HIDE: "hide" = 'hide'

Fired when the Element gets hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hide', () => {
console.log('Element hidden');
EVENT_HIDE_TO_ROOT: "hideToRoot" = 'hideToRoot'

Fired when the Element or any of its parent get hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hideToRoot', () => {
console.log('Element or one of its parents hidden');
EVENT_HOVER: "hover" = 'hover'

Fired when the mouse starts hovering on the Element. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hover', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element hovered');
EVENT_HOVER_END: "hoverend" = 'hoverend'

Fired when the mouse stops hovering on the Element. The native DOM MouseEvent is passed as a parameter to the event handler.

const element = new Element();
element.on('hoverend', (evt: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Element hover ended');
EVENT_PARENT: "parent" = 'parent'

Fired when the Element's parent gets set.

const element = new Element();
element.on('parent', (parent: Element) => {
console.log(`Element's parent is now ${parent}`);
EVENT_READ_ONLY: "readOnly" = 'readOnly'

Fired when the readOnly property of an Element changes.

const element = new Element();
element.on('readOnly', (readOnly: boolean) => {
console.log(`Element is now ${readOnly ? 'read only' : 'editable'}`);
EVENT_SHOW: "show" = 'show'

Fired when the Element stops being hidden.

const element = new Element();
element.on('show', () => {
console.log('Element shown');
EVENT_SHOW_TO_ROOT: "showToRoot" = 'showToRoot'

Fired when the Element and all of its parents become visible.

const element = new Element();
element.on('showToRoot', () => {
console.log('Element and all of its parents shown');