Helps with accessing a specific vertex attribute.



  • Read attribute components to an output array.


    • offset: number

      The component offset at which to read data from the buffer. Will be used instead of the iterator's current index.

    • outputArray: ArrayBufferView | number[]

      The output array to write data into.

    • outputIndex: number

      The output index at which to write into the output array.

    Returns void

  • Set all the attribute components at the iterator's current index.


    • a: number

      The first component value.

    • Optionalb: number

      The second component value (if applicable).

    • Optionalc: number

      The third component value (if applicable).

    • Optionald: number

      The fourth component value (if applicable).

    Returns void

  • Write attribute components from an input array.


    • index: number

      The starting index at which to write data into the buffer. Will be used instead of the iterator's current index.

    • inputArray: ArrayBufferView | number[]

      The input array to read data from.

    • inputIndex: number

      The input index at which to read from the input array.

    Returns void