Create a new VertexIteratorAccessor instance.
The vertex buffer containing the attribute to be accessed.
The vertex attribute to be accessed.
The data type of the attribute. Can be:
The meaning of the vertex element. This is used to link the vertex data to a shader input. Can be:
If vertex data has a meaning other that one of those listed above, use the user-defined semantics: SEMANTIC_ATTR0 to SEMANTIC_ATTR15.
If true, vertex attribute data will be mapped from a 0 to 255 range down to 0 to 1 when fed to a shader. If false, vertex attribute data is left unchanged. If this property is unspecified, false is assumed.
The number of components of the vertex attribute. Can be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
The number of initial bytes at the start of a vertex that are not relevant to this attribute.
The shader input variable corresponding to the attribute.
The size of the attribute in bytes.
The number of total bytes that are between the start of one vertex, and the start of the next.
A vertex format that defines the layout of vertex data inside the buffer.
Read attribute components to an output array.
The component offset at which to read data from the buffer. Will be used instead of the iterator's current index.
The output array to write data into.
The output index at which to write into the output array.
Set all the attribute components at the iterator's current index.
The first component value.
b: numberThe second component value (if applicable).
c: numberThe third component value (if applicable).
d: numberThe fourth component value (if applicable).
Write attribute components from an input array.
The starting index at which to write data into the buffer. Will be used instead of the iterator's current index.
The input array to read data from.
The input index at which to read from the input array.
Helps with accessing a specific vertex attribute.