A GamePad stores information about a gamepad from the Gamepad API.


hand: string

The hand this gamepad is usually handled on. Only relevant for XR pads. Value is either "left", "right" or "none".

id: string

The identifier for the gamepad. Its structure depends on device.

index: number

The index for this controller. A gamepad that is disconnected and reconnected will retain the same index.

map: any

The buttons and axes map.

mapping: string

The gamepad mapping detected by the browser. Value is either "standard", "xr-standard", "" or "custom". When empty string, you may need to update the mapping yourself. "custom" means you updated the mapping.



  • Returns the value of a button between 0 and 1, with 0 representing a button that is not pressed, and 1 representing a button that is fully pressed.


    • button: number

      The button to retrieve, use constants PAD_FACE_1, etc.

    Returns number

    The value of the button between 0 and 1.

  • Make the gamepad vibrate.


    • intensity: number

      Intensity for the vibration in the range 0 to 1.

    • duration: number

      Duration for the vibration in milliseconds.

    • Optionaloptions: { startDelay?: number; strongMagnitude?: number; weakMagnitude?: number }

      Options for special vibration pattern.

      • OptionalstartDelay?: number

        Delay before the pattern starts, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.

      • OptionalstrongMagnitude?: number

        Intensity for strong actuators in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to intensity.

      • OptionalweakMagnitude?: number

        Intensity for weak actuators in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to intensity.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Return a Promise resulting in true if the pulse was successfully completed.

  • Update the map for this gamepad.


    • map: {
          axes: string[];
          buttons: string[];
          mapping?: "custom";
          synthesizedButtons?: any;

      The new mapping for this gamepad.

      • axes: string[]

        Axes mapping for this gamepad.

      • buttons: string[]

        Buttons mapping for this gamepad.

      • Optionalmapping?: "custom"

        New mapping format. Will be forced into "custom".

      • OptionalsynthesizedButtons?: any

        Information about buttons to pull from axes for this gamepad. Requires definition of axis index, min value and max value.

    Returns void

    buttons: [[
    axes: [
    synthesizedButtons: {
    PAD_UP: { axis: 0, min: 0, max: 1 },
    PAD_DOWN: { axis: 0, min: -1, max: 0 },
    PAD_LEFT: { axis: 0, min: -1, max: 0 },
    PAD_RIGHT: { axis: 0, min: 0, max: 1 }