Atlas textures split description, which applies to both the shadow and cookie texture atlas. Defaults to null, which enables to automatic split mode. For details see Configuring Atlas Split.
Layer ID of a layer to contain the debug rendering of clustered lighting. Defaults to undefined, which disables the debug rendering. Debug rendering is only included in the debug version of the engine.
Gets whether clustered lighting supports area lights.
Sets whether clustered lighting supports area lights. Defaults to false.
Gets the resolution of the atlas texture storing all non-directional cookie textures.
Sets the resolution of the atlas texture storing all non-directional cookie textures. Defaults to 2048.
Gets whether clustered lighting supports cookie textures.
Sets whether clustered lighting supports cookie textures. Defaults to false.
Gets the maximum number of lights a cell can store.
Sets the maximum number of lights a cell can store. Defaults to 255.
Gets the resolution of the atlas texture storing all non-directional shadow textures.
Sets the resolution of the atlas texture storing all non-directional shadow textures. Defaults to 2048.
Gets whether clustered lighting supports shadow casting.
Sets whether clustered lighting supports shadow casting. Defaults to true.
Gets the type of shadow filtering used by all shadows.
Sets the type of shadow filtering used by all shadows. Can be:
Defaults to SHADOW_PCF3_32F
Lighting parameters, allow configuration of the global lighting parameters. For details see Clustered Lighting.