The Entity that this Component is attached to.
The ComponentSystem used to create this Component.
Gets the rate at which a body loses angular velocity over time.
Sets the rate at which a body loses angular velocity over time.
Gets the scaling factor for angular movement of the body in each axis.
Sets the scaling factor for angular movement of the body in each axis. Only valid for rigid bodies of type BODYTYPE_DYNAMIC. Defaults to 1 in all axes (body can freely rotate).
Gets the rotational speed of the body around each world axis.
Gets the enabled state of the component.
Sets the enabled state of the component.
Gets the friction value used when contacts occur between two bodies.
Sets the friction value used when contacts occur between two bodies. A higher value indicates more friction. Should be set in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.5.
Gets the collision group this body belongs to.
Sets the collision group this body belongs to. Combine the group and the mask to prevent bodies colliding with each other. Defaults to 1.
Gets the rate at which a body loses linear velocity over time.
Sets the rate at which a body loses linear velocity over time. Defaults to 0.
Gets the scaling factor for linear movement of the body in each axis.
Sets the scaling factor for linear movement of the body in each axis. Only valid for rigid bodies of type BODYTYPE_DYNAMIC. Defaults to 1 in all axes (body can freely move).
Gets the speed of the body in a given direction.
Gets the collision mask sets which groups this body collides with.
Sets the collision mask sets which groups this body collides with. It is a bit field of 16 bits, the first 8 bits are reserved for engine use. Defaults to 65535.
Gets the mass of the body.
Sets the mass of the body. This is only relevant for BODYTYPE_DYNAMIC bodies, other types have infinite mass. Defaults to 1.
Gets the value that controls the amount of energy lost when two rigid bodies collide.
Sets the value that controls the amount of energy lost when two rigid bodies collide. The calculation multiplies the restitution values for both colliding bodies. A multiplied value of 0 means that all energy is lost in the collision while a value of 1 means that no energy is lost. Should be set in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.
Gets the torsional friction orthogonal to the contact point.
Sets the torsional friction orthogonal to the contact point. Defaults to 0.
Gets the rigid body type determines how the body is simulated.
Sets the rigid body type determines how the body is simulated. Can be:
Forcibly activate the rigid body simulation. Only affects rigid bodies of type BODYTYPE_DYNAMIC.
Apply an force to the body at a point. By default, the force is applied at the origin of the body. However, the force can be applied at an offset this point by specifying a world space vector from the body's origin to the point of application. This function has two valid signatures. You can either specify the force (and optional relative point) via 3D-vector or numbers.
A 3-dimensional vector representing the force in world space or the x-component of the force in world space.
y: number | Vec3An optional 3-dimensional vector representing the relative point at which to apply the impulse in world space or the y-component of the force in world space.
z: numberThe z-component of the force in world space.
px: numberThe x-component of a world space offset from the body's position where the force is applied.
py: numberThe y-component of a world space offset from the body's position where the force is applied.
pz: numberThe z-component of a world space offset from the body's position where the force is applied.
// Apply an approximation of gravity at the body's center
this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(0, -10, 0);
// Apply an approximation of gravity at 1 unit down the world Z from the center of the body
this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(0, -10, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// Apply a force at the body's center
// Calculate a force vector pointing in the world space direction of the entity
const force = this.entity.forward.clone().mulScalar(100);
// Apply the force
// Apply a force at some relative offset from the body's center
// Calculate a force vector pointing in the world space direction of the entity
const force = this.entity.forward.clone().mulScalar(100);
// Calculate the world space relative offset
const relativePos = new pc.Vec3();
const childEntity = this.entity.findByName('Engine');
relativePos.sub2(childEntity.getPosition(), this.entity.getPosition());
// Apply the force
this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(force, relativePos);
Apply an impulse (instantaneous change of velocity) to the body at a point. This function has two valid signatures. You can either specify the impulse (and optional relative point) via 3D-vector or numbers.
A 3-dimensional vector representing the impulse in world space or the x-component of the impulse in world space.
y: number | Vec3An optional 3-dimensional vector representing the relative point at which to apply the impulse in the local space of the entity or the y-component of the impulse to apply in world space.
z: numberThe z-component of the impulse to apply in world space.
px: numberThe x-component of the point at which to apply the impulse in the local space of the entity.
py: numberThe y-component of the point at which to apply the impulse in the local space of the entity.
pz: numberThe z-component of the point at which to apply the impulse in the local space of the entity.
// Apply an impulse along the world space positive y-axis at the entity's position.
const impulse = new pc.Vec3(0, 10, 0);
// Apply an impulse along the world space positive y-axis at 1 unit down the positive
// z-axis of the entity's local space.
const impulse = new pc.Vec3(0, 10, 0);
const relativePoint = new pc.Vec3(0, 0, 1);
entity.rigidbody.applyImpulse(impulse, relativePoint);
Apply torque (rotational force) to the body. This function has two valid signatures. You can either specify the torque force with a 3D-vector or with 3 numbers.
A 3-dimensional vector representing the torque force in world space or the x-component of the torque force in world space.
y: numberThe y-component of the torque force in world space.
z: numberThe z-component of the torque force in world space.
Apply a torque impulse (rotational force applied instantaneously) to the body. This function has two valid signatures. You can either specify the torque force with a 3D-vector or with 3 numbers.
A 3-dimensional vector representing the torque impulse in world space or the x-component of the torque impulse in world space.
y: numberThe y-component of the torque impulse in world space.
z: numberThe z-component of the torque impulse in world space.
Fire an event, all additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.
Name of event to fire.
arg1: anyFirst argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg2: anySecond argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg3: anyThird argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg4: anyFourth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg5: anyFifth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg6: anySixth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg7: anySeventh argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg8: anyEighth argument that is passed to the event handler.
Self for chaining.
Test if there are any handlers bound to an event name.
The name of the event to test.
True if the object has handlers bound to the specified event name.
Returns true if the rigid body is currently actively being simulated. I.e. Not 'sleeping'.
True if the body is active.
Returns true if the rigid body is of type BODYTYPE_STATIC or BODYTYPE_KINEMATIC.
True if static or kinematic.
Detach an event handler from an event. If callback is not provided then all callbacks are unbound from the event, if scope is not provided then all events with the callback will be unbound.
name: stringName of the event to unbind.
callback: HandleEventCallbackFunction to be unbound.
scope: anyScope that was used as the this when the event is fired.
Self for chaining.
const handler = () => {};
obj.on('test', handler);; // Removes all events'test'); // Removes all events called 'test''test', handler); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test''test', handler, this); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test' with scope this
Attach an event handler to an event.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Can be used for removing event in the future.
Attach an event handler to an event. This handler will be removed after being fired once.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Teleport an entity to a new world space position, optionally setting orientation. This function should only be called for rigid bodies that are dynamic. This function has three valid signatures. The first takes a 3-dimensional vector for the position and an optional 3-dimensional vector for Euler rotation. The second takes a 3-dimensional vector for the position and an optional quaternion for rotation. The third takes 3 numbers for the position and an optional 3 numbers for Euler rotation.
A 3-dimensional vector holding the new position or the new position x-coordinate.
y: number | Vec3 | QuatA 3-dimensional vector or quaternion holding the new rotation or the new position y-coordinate.
z: numberThe new position z-coordinate.
rx: numberThe new Euler x-angle value.
ry: numberThe new Euler y-angle value.
rz: numberThe new Euler z-angle value.
EVENT_Fired when two rigid bodies stop touching. The handler is passed an Entity that represents the other rigid body involved in the collision.
EVENT_Fired when two rigid bodies start touching. The handler is passed a ContactResult object containing details of the contact between the two rigid bodies.
EVENT_Fired when a contact occurs between two rigid bodies. The handler is passed a ContactResult object containing details of the contact between the two rigid bodies.
EVENT_Fired when a rigid body enters a trigger volume. The handler is passed an Entity representing the trigger volume that this rigid body entered.
EVENT_Fired when a rigid body exits a trigger volume. The handler is passed an Entity representing the trigger volume that this rigid body exited.
The rigidbody component, when combined with a CollisionComponent, allows your entities to be simulated using realistic physics. A rigidbody component will fall under gravity and collide with other rigid bodies. Using scripts, you can apply forces and impulses to rigid bodies.
You should never need to use the RigidBodyComponent constructor. To add an RigidBodyComponent to a Entity, use Entity#addComponent:
To create a dynamic sphere with mass of 10, do:
Relevant 'Engine-only' examples: