Oriented Box.
Create a new OrientedBox instance.
Transform that has the orientation and position of the box. Scale is assumed to be one. Defaults to identity matrix.
Half the distance across the box in each local axis. Defaults to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5).
Gets the world transform of the OBB.
Sets the world transform of the OBB.
Test if a point is inside a OBB.
Point to test.
True if the point is inside the OBB and false otherwise.
Test if a Bounding Sphere is overlapping, enveloping, or inside this OBB.
Bounding Sphere to test.
True if the Bounding Sphere is overlapping, enveloping or inside this OBB and false otherwise.
Test if a ray intersects with the OBB.
Ray to test against (direction must be normalized).
If there is an intersection, the intersection point will be copied into here.
True if there is an intersection.
Oriented Box.