A bounding sphere is a volume for facilitating fast intersection testing.


  • Creates a new BoundingSphere instance.


    • Optionalcenter: Vec3 = ...

      The world space coordinate marking the center of the sphere. The constructor takes a reference of this parameter.

    • Optionalradius: number = 0.5

      The radius of the bounding sphere. Defaults to 0.5.

    Returns BoundingSphere

    // Create a new bounding sphere centered on the origin with a radius of 0.5
    const sphere = new pc.BoundingSphere();


center: Vec3

Center of sphere.

radius: number

The radius of the bounding sphere.


  • Test if a ray intersects with the sphere.


    • ray: Ray

      Ray to test against (direction must be normalized).

    • Optionalpoint: Vec3

      If there is an intersection, the intersection point will be copied into here.

    Returns boolean

    True if there is an intersection.