An infinite plane. Internally it's represented in a parametric equation form: ax + by + cz + distance = 0.
Create a new Plane instance.
Normal of the plane. The constructor copies this parameter. Defaults to Vec3.UP.
The distance from the plane to the origin, along its normal. Defaults to 0.
The distance from the plane to the origin, along its normal.
The normal of the plane.
Returns a clone of the Plane.
A duplicate Plane.
Copies the contents of a source Plane.
The Plane to copy from.
Self for chaining.
Test if the plane intersects between two points.
Start position of line.
End position of line.
If there is an intersection, the intersection point will be copied into here.
True if there is an intersection.
Test if a ray intersects with the infinite plane.
Ray to test against (direction must be normalized).
Sets the plane based on a specified normal and a point on the plane.
The point on the plane.
An infinite plane. Internally it's represented in a parametric equation form: ax + by + cz + distance = 0.