An infinite plane. Internally it's represented in a parametric equation form: ax + by + cz + distance = 0.


  • Create a new Plane instance.


    • Optionalnormal: Vec3 = Vec3.UP

      Normal of the plane. The constructor copies this parameter. Defaults to Vec3.UP.

    • Optionaldistance: number = 0

      The distance from the plane to the origin, along its normal. Defaults to 0.

    Returns Plane


distance: number

The distance from the plane to the origin, along its normal.

normal: Vec3 = ...

The normal of the plane.


  • Test if the plane intersects between two points.


    • start: Vec3

      Start position of line.

    • end: Vec3

      End position of line.

    • Optionalpoint: Vec3

      If there is an intersection, the intersection point will be copied into here.

    Returns boolean

    True if there is an intersection.

  • Test if a ray intersects with the infinite plane.


    • ray: Ray

      Ray to test against (direction must be normalized).

    • Optionalpoint: Vec3

      If there is an intersection, the intersection point will be copied into here.

    Returns boolean

    True if there is an intersection.

  • Sets the plane based on a specified normal and a point on the plane.


    • point: Vec3

      The point on the plane.

    • normal: Vec3

      The normal of the plane.

    Returns Plane

    Self for chaining.