Create a new Asset record. Generally, Assets are created in the loading process and you won't need to create them by hand.
A non-unique but human-readable name which can be later used to retrieve the asset.
Type of asset. One of ["animation", "audio", "binary", "bundle", "container", "cubemap", "css", "font", "json", "html", "material", "model", "script", "shader", "sprite", "template", text", "texture", "textureatlas"]
file: {Details about the file the asset is made from. At the least must contain the 'url' field. For assets that don't contain file data use null.
contents?: ArrayBufferOptional file contents. This is faster than wrapping the data in a (base64 encoded) blob. Currently only used by container assets.
filename?: stringThe filename of the resource file or null if no filename was set (e.g from using AssetRegistry#loadFromUrl).
hash?: stringThe MD5 hash of the resource file data and the Asset data field or null if hash was set (e.g from using AssetRegistry#loadFromUrl).
size?: numberThe size of the resource file or null if no size was set (e.g. from using AssetRegistry#loadFromUrl).
url?: stringThe URL of the resource file that contains the asset data.
data: anyJSON object or string with additional data about the asset. (e.g. for texture and model assets) or contains the asset data itself (e.g. in the case of materials).
options: { crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" }The asset handler options. For container options see ContainerHandler.
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials"For use with texture assets that are loaded using the browser. This setting overrides the default crossOrigin specifier. For more details on crossOrigin and its use, see
True if the asset has finished attempting to load the resource. It is not guaranteed that the resources are available as there could have been a network error.
True if the resource is currently being loaded.
Optional JSON data that contains the asset handler options.
The asset registry that this Asset belongs to.
Asset tags. Enables finding of assets by tags using the AssetRegistry#findByTag method.
The type of the asset. One of ["animation", "audio", "binary", "container", "cubemap", "css", "font", "json", "html", "material", "model", "render", "script", "shader", "sprite", "template", "text", "texture", "textureatlas"]
Gets optional asset JSON data.
Sets optional asset JSON data. This contains either the complete resource data (such as in the case of a material) or additional data (such as in the case of a model which contains mappings from mesh to material).
Gets the file details or null if no file.
Sets the file details or null if no file.
Gets the asset id.
Sets the asset id.
Gets the asset name.
Sets the asset name.
Gets whether to preload an asset.
Sets whether to preload an asset. If true, the asset will be loaded during the preload phase of application set up.
Gets the asset resource.
Gets the asset resources.
Sets the asset resources. Some assets can hold more than one runtime resource (cube maps, for example).
Fire an event, all additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.
Name of event to fire.
arg1: anyFirst argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg2: anySecond argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg3: anyThird argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg4: anyFourth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg5: anyFifth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg6: anySixth argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg7: anySeventh argument that is passed to the event handler.
arg8: anyEighth argument that is passed to the event handler.
Self for chaining.
Test if there are any handlers bound to an event name.
The name of the event to test.
True if the object has handlers bound to the specified event name.
Detach an event handler from an event. If callback is not provided then all callbacks are unbound from the event, if scope is not provided then all events with the callback will be unbound.
name: stringName of the event to unbind.
callback: HandleEventCallbackFunction to be unbound.
scope: anyScope that was used as the this when the event is fired.
Self for chaining.
const handler = () => {};
obj.on('test', handler);; // Removes all events'test'); // Removes all events called 'test''test', handler); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test''test', handler, this); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test' with scope this
Attach an event handler to an event.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Can be used for removing event in the future.
Attach an event handler to an event. This handler will be removed after being fired once.
Name of the event to bind the callback to.
Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.
scope: any = ...Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.
Take a callback which is called as soon as the asset is loaded. If the asset is already loaded the callback is called straight away.
The function called when the asset is ready. Passed the (asset) arguments.
scope: anyScope object to use when calling the callback.
EVENT_Fired when we add a new localized asset id to the asset.
EVENT_Fired when one of the asset properties file
, data
, resource
or resources
is changed.
EVENT_Fired if the asset encounters an error while loading.
EVENT_Fired when the asset has completed loading.
EVENT_Fired when the asset's stream download progresses.
Please note:
EVENT_Fired when the asset is removed from the asset registry.
EVENT_Fired when we remove a localized asset id from the asset.
EVENT_Fired just before the asset unloads the resource. This allows for the opportunity to prepare for an asset that will be unloaded. E.g. Changing the texture of a model to a default before the one it was using is unloaded.
An asset record of a file or data resource that can be loaded by the engine. The asset contains four important fields:
: contains the details of a file (filename, url) which contains the resource data, e.g. an image file for a texture
: contains a JSON blob which contains either the resource data for the asset (e.g. material data) or additional data for the file (e.g. material mappings for a model).options
: contains a JSON blob with handler-specific load options.resource
: contains the final resource when it is loaded. (e.g. a StandardMaterial or a Texture).See the AssetRegistry for details on loading resources from assets.