The lit shader options determines how the lit-shader gets generated. It specifies a set of parameters which triggers different fragment and vertex shader generation in the backend.


alphaTest: boolean = false

Enable alpha testing. See Material#alphaTest.

alphaToCoverage: boolean = false

Enable alpha to coverage. See Material#alphaToCoverage.

ambientSH: boolean = false

If ambient spherical harmonics are used. Ambient SH replace prefiltered cubemap ambient on certain platforms (mostly Android) for performance reasons.

ambientSource: string = 'constant'

One of "ambientSH", "envAtlas", "constant".

blendType: number = BLEND_NONE

The value of Material#blendType.

chunks: {} = {}

Object containing custom shader chunks that will replace default ones.

cubeMapProjection: number = 0
customFragmentShader: string = null

Replaced the whole fragment shader with this string.

fog: string = FOG_NONE

The type of fog being applied in the shader. See Scene#fog for the list of possible values.

fresnelModel: number = 0
gamma: number = GAMMA_NONE

The type of gamma correction being applied in the shader. See Scene#gammaCorrection for the list of possible values.

linearDepth: boolean = false

Make vLinearDepth available in the shader.

occludeDirect: boolean = false
occludeSpecular: number = 0
occludeSpecularFloat: boolean = false

Defines if StandardMaterial#occludeSpecularIntensity constant should affect specular occlusion.

opacityDither: string = DITHER_NONE

Enable opacity dithering. See StandardMaterial#opacityDither.

opacityFadesSpecular: boolean = false

Enable specular fade. See StandardMaterial#opacityFadesSpecular.

opacityShadowDither: string = DITHER_NONE

Enable opacity shadow dithering. See StandardMaterial#opacityShadowDither.

reflectionSource: string = null

One of "envAtlasHQ", "envAtlas", "cubeMap", "sphereMap".

skyboxIntensity: number = 1.0

Skybox intensity factor.

ssao: boolean = false

Apply SSAO during the lighting.

toneMap: number = -1

The type of tone mapping being applied in the shader. See Scene#toneMapping for the list of possible values.

twoSidedLighting: boolean = false
useCubeMapRotation: boolean = false

If cube map rotation is enabled.

useInstancing: boolean = false

If hardware instancing compatible shader should be generated. Transform is read from per-instance VertexBuffer instead of shader's uniforms.

useMetalness: boolean = false
useMorphNormal: boolean = false

If morphing code should be generated to morph normals.

useMorphPosition: boolean = false

If morphing code should be generated to morph positions.

userAttributes: {} = {}

Object containing a map of user defined vertex attributes to attached shader semantics.

useRefraction: boolean = false

If refraction is used.

useSpecular: boolean = false

If any specular or reflections are needed at all.