Enable alpha testing. See Material#alphaTest.
Enable alpha to coverage. See Material#alphaToCoverage.
If ambient spherical harmonics are used. Ambient SH replace prefiltered cubemap ambient on certain platforms (mostly Android) for performance reasons.
One of "ambientSH", "envAtlas", "constant".
The value of Material#blendType.
Object containing custom shader chunks that will replace default ones.
The value of StandardMaterial#cubeMapProjection.
Replaced the whole fragment shader with this string.
The type of fog being applied in the shader. See Scene#fog for the list of possible values.
The value of StandardMaterial#fresnelModel.
The type of gamma correction being applied in the shader. See Scene#gammaCorrection for the list of possible values.
Make vLinearDepth available in the shader.
The value of StandardMaterial#occludeDirect.
The value of StandardMaterial#occludeSpecular.
Defines if StandardMaterial#occludeSpecularIntensity constant should affect specular occlusion.
Enable opacity dithering. See StandardMaterial#opacityDither.
Enable specular fade. See StandardMaterial#opacityFadesSpecular.
Enable opacity shadow dithering. See StandardMaterial#opacityShadowDither.
One of "envAtlasHQ", "envAtlas", "cubeMap", "sphereMap".
Skybox intensity factor.
Apply SSAO during the lighting.
The type of tone mapping being applied in the shader. See Scene#toneMapping for the list of possible values.
The value of StandardMaterial#twoSidedLighting.
If cube map rotation is enabled.
If hardware instancing compatible shader should be generated. Transform is read from per-instance VertexBuffer instead of shader's uniforms.
The value of StandardMaterial#useMetalness.
If morphing code should be generated to morph normals.
If morphing code should be generated to morph positions.
Object containing a map of user defined vertex attributes to attached shader semantics.
If refraction is used.
If any specular or reflections are needed at all.
The lit shader options determines how the lit-shader gets generated. It specifies a set of parameters which triggers different fragment and vertex shader generation in the backend.