The interface for arguments for the BindingTwoWay constructor.

interface BindingTwoWayArgs {
    bindingElementToObservers?: BindingElementToObservers;
    bindingObserversToElement?: BindingObserversToElement;
    element?: IBindable;
    history?: History;
    historyCombine?: boolean;
    historyName?: string;
    historyPostfix?: string;
    historyPrefix?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


bindingElementToObservers?: BindingElementToObservers

BindingElementToObservers instance.

bindingObserversToElement?: BindingObserversToElement

BindingObserversToElement instance.

element?: IBindable

The IBindable element.

history?: History

The history object which will be used to record undo / redo actions. If none is provided then no history will be recorded.

historyCombine?: boolean

Whether to combine history actions.

historyName?: string

The name of each history action.

historyPostfix?: string

A postfix that will be used for the name of every history action.

historyPrefix?: string

A prefix that will be used for the name of every history action.