A pure static utility class which supports immediate and lazy loading of wasm modules.


  • Get a wasm module's configuration.


    • moduleName: string

      Name of the module.

    Returns object

    The previously set configuration.

  • Get a wasm module instance. The instance will be created if necessary and returned in the second parameter to callback.


    • moduleName: string

      Name of the module.

    • callback: ModuleInstanceCallback

      The function called when the instance is available.

    Returns void

  • Set a wasm module's configuration.


    • moduleName: string

      Name of the module.

    • Optionalconfig: {
          errorHandler: ModuleErrorCallback;
          fallbackUrl: string;
          glueUrl: string;
          numWorkers: number;
          wasmUrl: string;

      The configuration object.

      • errorHandler: ModuleErrorCallback

        Function to be called if the module fails to download.

      • fallbackUrl: string

        URL of the fallback script to use when wasm modules aren't supported.

      • glueUrl: string

        URL of glue script.

      • numWorkers: number

        For modules running on worker threads, the number of threads to use. Default value is based on module implementation.

      • wasmUrl: string

        URL of the wasm script.

    Returns void