The LightComponentElement interface provides properties and methods for manipulating <pc-light> elements. The LightComponentElement interface also inherits the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • get shadowType(): | "pcf1-16f"
    | "pcf1-32f"
    | "pcf3-16f"
    | "pcf3-32f"
    | "pcf5-16f"
    | "pcf5-32f"
    | "vsm-16f"
    | "vsm-32f"
    | "pcss-32f"
  • Gets the shadow type of the light.

        | "pcf1-16f"
        | "pcf1-32f"
        | "pcf3-16f"
        | "pcf3-32f"
        | "pcf5-16f"
        | "pcf5-32f"
        | "vsm-16f"
        | "vsm-32f"
        | "pcss-32f"

    The shadow type.

  • set shadowType(
            | "pcf1-16f"
            | "pcf1-32f"
            | "pcf3-16f"
            | "pcf3-32f"
            | "pcf5-16f"
            | "pcf5-32f"
            | "vsm-16f"
            | "vsm-32f"
            | "pcss-32f",
    ): void
  • Sets the shadow type of the light.


    • value:
          | "pcf1-16f"
          | "pcf1-32f"
          | "pcf3-16f"
          | "pcf3-32f"
          | "pcf5-16f"
          | "pcf5-32f"
          | "vsm-16f"
          | "vsm-32f"
          | "pcss-32f"

      The shadow type. Can be:

      • pcf1-16f - 1-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 16-bit depth.
      • pcf1-32f - 1-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 32-bit depth.
      • pcf3-16f - 3-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 16-bit depth.
      • pcf3-32f - 3-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 32-bit depth.
      • pcf5-16f - 5-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 16-bit depth.
      • pcf5-32f - 5-tap percentage-closer filtered shadow map with 32-bit depth.
      • vsm-16f - Variance shadow map with 16-bit depth.
      • vsm-32f - Variance shadow map with 32-bit depth.
      • pcss-32f - Percentage-closer soft shadow with 32-bit depth.

    Returns void
