Holds mesh batching settings and a unique id. Created via BatchManager#addGroup.




  • Create a new BatchGroup instance.


    • id: number

      Unique id. Can be assigned to model, render and element components.

    • name: string

      The name of the group.

    • dynamic: boolean

      Whether objects within this batch group should support transforming at runtime.

    • maxAabbSize: number

      Maximum size of any dimension of a bounding box around batched objects. BatchManager#prepare will split objects into local groups based on this size.

    • Optionallayers: number[] = ...

      Layer ID array. Default is [LAYERID_WORLD]. The whole batch group will belong to these layers. Layers of source models will be ignored.

    Returns BatchGroup


dynamic: boolean

Whether objects within this batch group should support transforming at runtime.

id: number

Unique id. Can be assigned to model, render and element components.

layers: number[]

Layer ID array. Default is [LAYERID_WORLD]. The whole batch group will belong to these layers. Layers of source models will be ignored.

maxAabbSize: number

Maximum size of any dimension of a bounding box around batched objects. BatchManager#prepare will split objects into local groups based on this size.

name: string

Name of the group.