MouseEvent object that is passed to events 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'mousedown' and 'mousewheel'.



altKey: boolean = false

True if the alt key was pressed when this event was fired.

button: number = MOUSEBUTTON_NONE

The mouse button associated with this event. Can be:

ctrlKey: boolean = false

True if the ctrl key was pressed when this event was fired.

dx: number = 0

The change in x coordinate since the last mouse event.

dy: number = 0

The change in y coordinate since the last mouse event.

element: Element

The element that the mouse was fired from.

The original browser event.

metaKey: boolean = false

True if the meta key was pressed when this event was fired.

shiftKey: boolean = false

True if the shift key was pressed when this event was fired.

wheelDelta: number = 0

A value representing the amount the mouse wheel has moved, only valid for EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL events.

x: number = 0

The x coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the element Mouse is attached to.

y: number = 0

The y coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the element Mouse is attached to.