Global variables


accessToken: string

The user's access token

clipboard: Clipboard

The main clipboard

hasLegacyScripts: boolean

Whether this project is using legacy scripts

jobs: Jobs

The jobs API

messenger: Messenger

The messenger API

realtime: Realtime

The realtime API


assets: Assets

The assets API

branchId: string

The current branch id

entities: Entities

The entities API

history: History

The history API

projectId: number

The current project id

schema: Schema

The schema API

selection: Selection

The selection API

settings: Settings

The settings API

  • Alert function called when user confirmation is needed for an action. Defaults to the default browser popup but can be overridden to show your custom popup instead.


    • text: string

      The confirm dialog text

    • options: { noDismiss?: boolean; noText?: boolean; yesText?: string } = {}

      Options for the popup

      • OptionalnoDismiss?: boolean

        If true then user cannot dismiss the popup and will have to click yes or no

      • OptionalnoText?: boolean

        Text for 'no' option

      • OptionalyesText?: string

        Text for 'yes' option

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if the user confirmed, false otherwise