Represents a TouchEvent fired on a ElementComponent.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Create an instance of an ElementTouchEvent.


    • event: TouchEvent

      The TouchEvent that was originally raised.

    • element: ElementComponent

      The ElementComponent that this event was originally raised on.

    • camera: CameraComponent

      The CameraComponent that this event was originally raised via.

    • x: number

      The x coordinate of the touch that triggered the event.

    • y: number

      The y coordinate of the touch that triggered the event.

    • touch: Touch

      The touch object that triggered the event.

    Returns ElementTouchEvent


camera: CameraComponent

The CameraComponent that this event was originally raised via.

changedTouches: Touch[]

The Touch objects representing individual points of contact whose states changed between the previous touch event and this one.

element: ElementComponent

The ElementComponent that this event was originally raised on.

MouseEvent or TouchEvent that was originally raised.

touch: Touch

The touch object that triggered the event.

touches: Touch[]

The Touch objects representing all current points of contact with the surface, regardless of target or changed status.
