A render target is a rectangular rendering surface.


  • Creates a new RenderTarget instance. A color buffer or a depth buffer must be set.


    • Optionaloptions: {
          autoResolve: boolean;
          colorBuffer: Texture;
          colorBuffers: Texture[];
          depth: boolean;
          depthBuffer: Texture;
          face: number;
          flipY: boolean;
          name: string;
          samples: number;
          stencil: boolean;

      Object for passing optional arguments.

      • autoResolve: boolean

        If samples > 1, enables or disables automatic MSAA resolve after rendering to this RT (see RenderTarget#resolve). Defaults to true.

      • colorBuffer: Texture

        The texture that this render target will treat as a rendering surface.

      • colorBuffers: Texture[]

        The textures that this render target will treat as a rendering surfaces. If this option is set, the colorBuffer option is ignored. This option can be used only when GraphicsDevice#supportsMrt is true.

      • depth: boolean

        If set to true, depth buffer will be created. Defaults to true. Ignored if depthBuffer is defined.

      • depthBuffer: Texture

        The texture that this render target will treat as a depth/stencil surface (WebGL2 only). If set, the 'depth' and 'stencil' properties are ignored. Texture must have PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH or PIXELFORMAT_DEPTHSTENCIL format.

      • face: number

        If the colorBuffer parameter is a cubemap, use this option to specify the face of the cubemap to render to. Can be:

        Defaults to CUBEFACE_POSX.

      • flipY: boolean

        When set to true the image will be flipped in Y. Default is false.

      • name: string

        The name of the render target.

      • samples: number

        Number of hardware anti-aliasing samples (not supported on WebGL1). Default is 1.

      • stencil: boolean

        If set to true, depth buffer will include stencil. Defaults to false. Ignored if depthBuffer is defined or depth is false.

    • Rest...args: any = {}

    Returns RenderTarget

    // Create a 512x512x24-bit render target with a depth buffer
    const colorBuffer = new pc.Texture(graphicsDevice, {
    width: 512,
    height: 512,
    format: pc.PIXELFORMAT_RGB8
    const renderTarget = new pc.RenderTarget({
    colorBuffer: colorBuffer,
    depth: true

    // Set the render target on a camera component
    camera.renderTarget = renderTarget;

    // Destroy render target at a later stage. Note that the color buffer needs
    // to be destroyed separately.
    camera.renderTarget = null;


autoResolve: boolean
flipY: boolean
name: string

The name of the render target.



  • Copies color and/or depth contents of source render target to this one. Formats, sizes and anti-aliasing samples must match. Depth buffer can only be copied on WebGL 2.0.


    • source: RenderTarget

      Source render target to copy from.

    • Optionalcolor: boolean

      If true, will copy the color buffer. Defaults to false.

    • Optionaldepth: boolean

      If true, will copy the depth buffer. Defaults to false.

    Returns boolean

    True if the copy was successful, false otherwise.

  • Resizes the render target to the specified width and height. Internally this resizes all the assigned texture color and depth buffers.


    • width: number

      The width of the render target in pixels.

    • height: number

      The height of the render target in pixels.

    Returns void

  • If samples > 1, resolves the anti-aliased render target (WebGL2 only). When you're rendering to an anti-aliased render target, pixels aren't written directly to the readable texture. Instead, they're first written to a MSAA buffer, where each sample for each pixel is stored independently. In order to read the results, you first need to 'resolve' the buffer - to average all samples and create a simple texture with one color per pixel. This function performs this averaging and updates the colorBuffer and the depthBuffer. If autoResolve is set to true, the resolve will happen after every rendering to this render target, otherwise you can do it manually, during the app update or similar.


    • Optionalcolor: boolean = true

      Resolve color buffer. Defaults to true.

    • Optionaldepth: boolean = ...

      Resolve depth buffer. Defaults to true if the render target has a depth buffer.

    Returns void