An array of 3 numbers controlling the center of the AABB to be used.
An array of 3 numbers controlling the half extents of the AABB to be used.
The id
of the render asset for the render component (only applies to type "asset").
The batch group id that the meshes should belong to.
If true, attached meshes will cast shadows for lights that have shadow casting enabled.
If true, the meshes will cast shadows when rendering lightmaps.
Whether the component is enabled.
Mark meshes as non-movable (optimization).
An array of layer id's to which the meshes should belong.
If true, the meshes will be lightmapped after using lightmapper.bake().
Lightmap resolution multiplier.
An array of material asset id
's that will be used to render the meshes. Each material corresponds to the respective mesh instance.
If true, shadows will be cast on attached meshes.
The resource_id
of the entity to be used as the root bone for any skinned meshes that are rendered by this component.
The type of the render component. Can be: asset, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, plane, sphere.
Render Component Properties.