RenderComponent: {
    aabbCenter: number[];
    aabbHalfExtents: number[];
    asset: number;
    batchGroupId: number;
    castShadows: boolean;
    castShadowsLightmap: boolean;
    enabled: boolean;
    isStatic: boolean;
    layers: number[];
    lightmapped: boolean;
    lightmapSizeMultiplier: number;
    materialAssets: number[];
    receiveShadows: boolean;
    rootBone: string;
    type: string;

Render Component Properties.

Type declaration

  • aabbCenter: number[]

    An array of 3 numbers controlling the center of the AABB to be used.

  • aabbHalfExtents: number[]

    An array of 3 numbers controlling the half extents of the AABB to be used.

  • asset: number

    The id of the render asset for the render component (only applies to type "asset").

  • batchGroupId: number

    The batch group id that the meshes should belong to.

  • castShadows: boolean

    If true, attached meshes will cast shadows for lights that have shadow casting enabled.

  • castShadowsLightmap: boolean

    If true, the meshes will cast shadows when rendering lightmaps.

  • enabled: boolean

    Whether the component is enabled.

  • isStatic: boolean

    Mark meshes as non-movable (optimization).

  • layers: number[]

    An array of layer id's to which the meshes should belong.

  • lightmapped: boolean

    If true, the meshes will be lightmapped after using lightmapper.bake().

  • lightmapSizeMultiplier: number

    Lightmap resolution multiplier.

  • materialAssets: number[]

    An array of material asset id's that will be used to render the meshes. Each material corresponds to the respective mesh instance.

  • receiveShadows: boolean

    If true, shadows will be cast on attached meshes.

  • rootBone: string

    The resource_id of the entity to be used as the root bone for any skinned meshes that are rendered by this component.

  • type: string

    The type of the render component. Can be: asset, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, plane, sphere.
