Info about a shader pass. Shader pass is represented by a unique index and a name, and the index is used to access the shader required for the pass, from an array stored in the material or mesh instance.




  • Parameters

    • name: string

      The name, for example 'depth'. Must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, and start with a letter.

    • index: number

      Index from ShaderPass#nextIndex.

    • Optionaloptions: {
          isForward?: boolean;
          isShadow?: boolean;
          lightType?: boolean;
          shadowType?: boolean;
      } = {}

      Options for additional configuration of the shader pass.

      • OptionalisForward?: boolean

        Whether the pass is forward.

      • OptionalisShadow?: boolean

        Whether the pass is shadow.

      • OptionallightType?: boolean

        Type of light, for example pc.LIGHTTYPE_DIRECTIONAL.

      • OptionalshadowType?: boolean

        Type of shadow, for example pc.SHADOW_PCF3_32F.

    Returns ShaderPassInfo


defines: Map<string, string> = ...
index: number
name: string