The ScriptComponent allows you to extend the functionality of an Entity by attaching your own Script Types defined in JavaScript files to be executed with access to the Entity. For more details on scripting see Scripting.

Hierarchy (view full)



entity: Entity

The Entity that this Component is attached to.

The ComponentSystem used to create this Component.



  • Private

    Inserts script instance into the scripts array at the specified index. Also inserts the script into the update list if it has an update method and the post update list if it has a postUpdate method.


    • scriptInstance: object

      The script instance.

    • index: number

      The index where to insert the script at. If -1, append it at the end.

    • scriptsLength: number

      The length of the scripts array.

    Returns void

  • Create a script instance and attach to an entity script component.


    • nameOrType: string | typeof Script

      The name or type of Script.

    • Optional args: {
          attributes: object;
          enabled: boolean;
          ind: number;
          preloading: boolean;
      } = {}

      Object with arguments for a script.

      • attributes: object

        Object with values for attributes (if any), where key is name of an attribute.

      • enabled: boolean

        If script instance is enabled after creation. Defaults to true.

      • ind: number

        The index where to insert the script instance at. Defaults to -1, which means append it at the end.

      • preloading: boolean

        If script instance is created during preload. If true, script and attributes must be initialized manually. Defaults to false.

    Returns Script

    Returns an instance of a Script if successfully attached to an entity, or null if it failed because a script with a same name has already been added or if the Script cannot be found by name in the ScriptRegistry.


    entity.script.create('playerController', {
    attributes: {
    speed: 4
  • Fire an event, all additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.


    • name: string

      Name of event to fire.

    • Optional arg1: any

      First argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg2: any

      Second argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg3: any

      Third argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg4: any

      Fourth argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg5: any

      Fifth argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg6: any

      Sixth argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg7: any

      Seventh argument that is passed to the event handler.

    • Optional arg8: any

      Eighth argument that is passed to the event handler.

    Returns EventHandler

    Self for chaining.

    Example'test', 'This is the message');
  • Detect if script is attached to an entity.


    • nameOrType: string | typeof Script

      The name or type of Script.

    Returns boolean

    If script is attached to an entity.


    if (entity.script.has('playerController')) {
    // entity has script
  • Test if there are any handlers bound to an event name.


    • name: string

      The name of the event to test.

    Returns boolean

    True if the object has handlers bound to the specified event name.


    obj.on('test', function () { }); // bind an event to 'test'
    obj.hasEvent('test'); // returns true
    obj.hasEvent('hello'); // returns false
  • Move script instance to different position to alter update order of scripts within entity.


    • nameOrType: string | typeof Script

      The name or type of Script.

    • ind: number

      New position index.

    Returns boolean

    If it was successfully moved.


    entity.script.move('playerController', 0);
  • Detach an event handler from an event. If callback is not provided then all callbacks are unbound from the event, if scope is not provided then all events with the callback will be unbound.


    • Optional name: string

      Name of the event to unbind.

    • Optional callback: HandleEventCallback

      Function to be unbound.

    • Optional scope: object

      Scope that was used as the this when the event is fired.

    Returns EventHandler

    Self for chaining.


    const handler = function () {
    obj.on('test', handler);; // Removes all events'test'); // Removes all events called 'test''test', handler); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test''test', handler, this); // Removes all handler functions, called 'test' with scope this
  • Attach an event handler to an event.


    • name: string

      Name of the event to bind the callback to.

    • callback: HandleEventCallback

      Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.

    • Optional scope: object = ...

      Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.

    Returns EventHandle

    Can be used for removing event in the future.


    obj.on('test', function (a, b) {
    console.log(a + b);
    });'test', 1, 2); // prints 3 to the console


    const evt = obj.on('test', function (a, b) {
    console.log(a + b);
    // some time later;
  • Attach an event handler to an event. This handler will be removed after being fired once.


    • name: string

      Name of the event to bind the callback to.

    • callback: HandleEventCallback

      Function that is called when event is fired. Note the callback is limited to 8 arguments.

    • Optional scope: object = ...

      Object to use as 'this' when the event is fired, defaults to current this.

    Returns EventHandle

    • can be used for removing event in the future.


    obj.once('test', function (a, b) {
    console.log(a + b);
    });'test', 1, 2); // prints 3 to the console'test', 1, 2); // not going to get handled
  • Private

    When an entity is cloned and it has entity script attributes that point to other entities in the same subtree that is cloned, then we want the new script attributes to point at the cloned entities. This method remaps the script attributes for this entity and it assumes that this entity is the result of the clone operation.


    • oldScriptComponent: ScriptComponent

      The source script component that belongs to the entity that was being cloned.

    • duplicatedIdsMap: object

      A dictionary with guid-entity values that contains the entities that were cloned.

    Returns void


EVENT_CREATE: string = 'create'

Fired when a Script instance is created and attached to the script component. This event is available in two forms. They are as follows:

  1. create - Fired when a script instance is created. The name of the script type and the script type instance are passed as arguments.
  2. create:[name] - Fired when a script instance is created that has the specified script type name. The script instance is passed as an argument to the handler.


entity.script.on('create', (name, scriptInstance) => {
console.log(`Instance of script '${name}' created`);


entity.script.on('create:player', (scriptInstance) => {
console.log(`Instance of script 'player' created`);
EVENT_DESTROY: string = 'destroy'

Fired when a Script instance is destroyed and removed from the script component. This event is available in two forms. They are as follows:

  1. destroy - Fired when a script instance is destroyed. The name of the script type and the script type instance are passed as arguments.
  2. destroy:[name] - Fired when a script instance is destroyed that has the specified script type name. The script instance is passed as an argument.


entity.script.on('destroy', (name, scriptInstance) => {
console.log(`Instance of script '${name}' destroyed`);


entity.script.on('destroy:player', (scriptInstance) => {
console.log(`Instance of script 'player' destroyed`);
EVENT_DISABLE: string = 'disable'

Fired when the script component becomes disabled. This event does not take into account the enabled state of the entity or any of its ancestors.


entity.script.on('disable', () => {
console.log(`Script component of entity '${}' has been disabled`);
EVENT_ENABLE: string = 'enable'

Fired when the script component becomes enabled. This event does not take into account the enabled state of the entity or any of its ancestors.


entity.script.on('enable', () => {
console.log(`Script component of entity '${}' has been enabled`);
EVENT_ERROR: string = 'error'

Fired when a Script instance had an exception. The handler is passed the script instance, the exception and the method name that the exception originated from.


entity.script.on('error', (scriptInstance, exception, methodName) => {
console.log(`Script error: ${exception} in method '${methodName}'`);
EVENT_MOVE: string = 'move'

Fired when the index of a Script instance is changed in the script component. This event is available in two forms. They are as follows:

  1. move - Fired when a script instance is moved. The name of the script type, the script type instance, the new index and the old index are passed as arguments.
  2. move:[name] - Fired when a specifically named script instance is moved. The script instance, the new index and the old index are passed as arguments.


entity.script.on('move', (name, scriptInstance, newIndex, oldIndex) => {
console.log(`Script '${name}' moved from index '${oldIndex}' to '${newIndex}'`);


entity.script.on('move:player', (scriptInstance, newIndex, oldIndex) => {
console.log(`Script 'player' moved from index '${oldIndex}' to '${newIndex}'`);
EVENT_REMOVE: string = 'remove'

Fired when the script component has been removed from its entity.


entity.script.on('remove', () => {
console.log(`Script component removed from entity '${}'`);
EVENT_STATE: string = 'state'

Fired when the script component changes state to enabled or disabled. The handler is passed the new boolean enabled state of the script component. This event does not take into account the enabled state of the entity or any of its ancestors.


entity.script.on('state', (enabled) => {
console.log(`Script component of entity '${}' changed state to '${enabled}'`);