Create a new instance of a Controller.
Helper function to append an action.
The name of the action.
An action object to add.
- Gamepad: e.g. pc.PAD_FACE_1
Keyboard: A list of keycodes e.g. [pc.KEY_A, pc.KEY_ENTER]
Gamepad: An index of the pad to register (use PAD_1, etc).
The name of the action.
Attach Controller to an Element. This is required before you can monitor for key/mouse inputs.
The element to attach mouse and keyboard event handler too.
Register an action against a controller axis.
options: { Optional options object.
The index of the game pad to register for (use PAD_1, etc).
Create or update an action which is enabled when the gamepad button is pressed.
The name of the action.
The index of the pad to register (use PAD_1, etc).
The pad button.
A general input handler which handles both mouse and keyboard input assigned to named actions. This allows you to define input handlers separately to defining keyboard/mouse configurations.