A Morph Target (also known as Blend Shape) contains deformation data to apply to existing mesh. Multiple morph targets can be blended together on a mesh. This is useful for effects that are hard to achieve with conventional animation and skinning.






  • Create a new MorphTarget instance.


    • options: {
          aabb: BoundingBox;
          defaultWeight: number;
          deltaNormals: ArrayBuffer;
          deltaNormalsType: number;
          deltaPositions: ArrayBuffer;
          deltaPositionsType: number;
          name: string;
          preserveData: boolean;

      Object for passing optional arguments.

      • aabb: BoundingBox

        Bounding box. Will be automatically generated, if undefined.

      • defaultWeight: number

        Default blend weight to use for this morph target.

      • deltaNormals: ArrayBuffer

        An array of 3-dimensional vertex normal offsets.

      • deltaNormalsType: number

        A format to store normal offsets inside VertexBuffer. Defaults to TYPE_FLOAT32 if not provided.

      • deltaPositions: ArrayBuffer

        An array of 3-dimensional vertex position offsets.

      • deltaPositionsType: number

        A format to store position offsets inside VertexBuffer. Defaults to TYPE_FLOAT32 if not provided.

      • name: string


      • preserveData: boolean

        When true, the morph target keeps its data passed using the options, allowing the clone operation.

    • Rest...args: any

    Returns MorphTarget


used: boolean = false

A used flag. A morph target can be used / owned by the Morph class only one time.



  • Returns an identical copy of the specified morph target. This can only be used if the morph target was created with options.preserveData set to true.

    Returns MorphTarget

    A morph target instance containing the result of the cloning.