The canvas element.
Graphics device options.
antialias?: booleanBoolean that indicates whether or not to perform anti-aliasing if possible. Defaults to true.
depth?: booleanBoolean that indicates that the drawing buffer is requested to have a depth buffer of at least 16 bits. Defaults to true.
deviceTypes?: string[]An array of DEVICETYPE_*** constants, defining the order in which the devices are attempted to get created. Defaults to an empty array. If the specified array does not contain DEVICETYPE_WEBGL2, it is internally added to its end. Typically, you'd only specify DEVICETYPE_WEBGPU, or leave it empty.
displayFormat?: stringThe display format of the canvas. Defaults to DISPLAYFORMAT_LDR. Can be:
glslangUrl?: stringThe URL to the glslang script. Required if the DEVICETYPE_WEBGPU type is added to deviceTypes array. Not used for DEVICETYPE_WEBGL2 device type creation.
powerPreference?: "default" | "high-performance" | "low-power"A hint indicating what configuration of GPU would be selected. Possible values are:
Defaults to 'default'.
stencil?: booleanBoolean that indicates that the drawing buffer is requested to have a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits. Defaults to true.
twgslUrl?: stringAn url to twgsl script, required if glslangUrl was specified.
xrCompatible?: booleanBoolean that hints to the user agent to use a compatible graphics adapter for an immersive XR device.
Creates a graphics device.