• Draws a texture in screen-space. Mostly used by post-effects.


    • device: GraphicsDevice

      The graphics device used to draw the texture.

    • texture: Texture

      The source texture to be drawn. Accessible as uniform sampler2D * source in shader.

    • Optionaltarget: RenderTarget

      The destination render target. Defaults to the frame buffer.

    • Optionalshader: Shader

      The optional custom shader used for rendering the texture.

    • Optionalrect: Vec4

      The viewport rectangle to use for the texture, in pixels. Defaults to fullscreen (0, 0, target.width, target.height).

    • OptionalscissorRect: Vec4

      The scissor rectangle to use for the texture, in pixels. Defaults to fullscreen (0, 0, target.width, target.height).

    • ...args: any

    Returns void